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Lora Perry's Blog

SoulPreneur Tip #9: Keep it Simple Aug 07, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #9:

Start Simple. Keep it simple.

I was chatting with a client the other day, he's been working on a business project for a while now and he said that every time he starts, he gets some kind of block that shuts him down completely. Stops...

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SoulPreneur Tip #8: Lead Magnets Aug 06, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #8:

Understanding Lead Magnets & Customer Magnets

As you may know by now, lead magnets are a small service or item, digital or otherwise that you offer the public in exchange for their contact information. But it goes a lot deeper than...

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SoulPreneur Tip #7: Do This When You're Feeling Stuck Jul 31, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #7:

When You're Feeling Stuck, Do This.

Many soulpreneurs I talk to are trying hard to move to the next level in their business.

They're trying to do things right.

Trying to make the right moves.

Planning. Organizing. Thinking....

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SoulPreneur Tip #6: Clearing Your Energy Blocks Jul 19, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #6:

Clearing Your Energy Blocks

There are 3 main energy blocks. At the end I'll tell you which one STAYS FOR GOOD!

The first type of energy block: Illusions. Here is an example. Most people think they need intense...

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SoulPreneur Tip #5: Claim Your Inheritance Jul 18, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!


This is simple but not always easy.

Last week I told you a story about how much success I felt in my private investigation business.

And I did... until 5 years later I felt my service in...

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SoulPreneur Tip #4: Get Clear On Your Definition of Success Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #4:

Get clear on YOUR definition of success.

Back when I started my first business, my definition of success was simple. Because I started my business as a hobby and I had no expectation or thought as to where it went. I...

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SoulPreneur Tip #3: The 3 Parts of Business Building Jun 28, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #3:

Understanding the 3 parts of business building: 1. The Software 2. The Hardware 3. The Tools. Many soulpreneurs tend to focus in only one (or none) of these areas... I'll briefly go over them all so you can reflect on what you may want to learn more about and begin to...

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SoulPreneur Tip #2: Manage What You Can Manage Jun 20, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #2:

Let's talk about the 2 things you can't manage, and the 3 things you can! You'll need a piece of paper for this!

The #1 thing you can't manage is people. Human beings. Nor are they meant to be managed. They are meant to be inspired, motivated, and aligned with the highest...

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Living Fearlessly Jun 17, 2024

Friedrich Nietzsche

“For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and...
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SoulPreneur Tip #1: Doing & Being Jun 14, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #1:

Take inventory and shine awareness on your masculine and feminine energy. These energies can change momentarily, but oftentimes we're circulating in a habitual pattern of one or the other. Masculine energy is the doing energy. Feminine energy is the being energy.


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Lora Perry's definition of SoulPreneur Jun 12, 2024

Lora Perry's definition of SoulPreneur (sol-pra-new-er): VERB

"A way-maker of the new earth. A determined and creation-led lightworker. 

An individual bringing new light to the world. New systems, new businesses, new leaders, new possibilities, making impact, taking action to...

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The Archer Dec 04, 2023
Your reflection for today, from the writings of Chuang-tse:
"An archer competing for a clay vessel shoots effortlessly. His skill and concentration unimpeded. If the prize is changed to a brass ornament, his hands begin to shake. If it is changed to gold, he squints as if he were going...
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