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Lora Perry's Blog

What it means to have clarity. clarity thought thoughtenergy Nov 08, 2023

What it means to have clarity.

Can you experience your mind right now, in stillness and in clarity?  

It seems to me the opposite of clarity is a murky mud puddle that's been stepped in.  And stepped in again moments later. Imagine, rain boot covered footsteps passing...

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πŸ‚ A personal note about November Nov 01, 2023
πŸ‚ A personal note about November.
πŸŽƒ Last night was an interesting night for me.
First, as you may know it was Halloween night πŸ‘» here in the US.
Usually, Robert and I dress up, take silly pictures and spend hours walking up and down the stairs handing out candy to adorable...
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Pricing Your Coaching consciousco-working Oct 24, 2023

When you're starting your coaching business and you've come to the question: What do I charge?! Don't worry! Honestly, there are a million formulas out there you can use. But none of them are right or wrong. Nor do they add inflation into the mix.

There are a million opinions, and although...

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The #1 Thing I Implemented that Completely Transformed My Business Oct 19, 2023

Here’s The #1 Thing I Implemented that Completely Transformed My Business. (plus 4 more!)

1. Create a consistent calendar for routine actions you can take. For example:

Mondays: I have routine meetings every Monday but otherwise I keep the day open to learn, reflect on my business, my...

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25 Quotes About Mindfulness mindfulness spiritual mind coaching Oct 04, 2023

Here are 25 Quotes about Mindfulness:

  1. "Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

  2. "To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

  3. "Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it."...

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A Path Through My Mind Oct 03, 2023

It was 2017. I sat at a my kitchen counter staring at a checkbook. I didn't know what to do with it, but I knew it had a familiar, financial purpose. "Is this where the amount goes?" I just couldn't remember... What do I do with it after I figure out how to fill it out?

"Sigh... I just don't...

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Your Own Hero's Journey: Answering the Call to Change & Greatness Sep 12, 2023
Did you know the legendary "Hero's Journey", as coined by Joseph Campbell in 1949, is built into your DNA and into your psyche?
This is because you are on your very own hero's journey.
It's literally an aspect of your genetics.
And your soul.
We are all attracted to...
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Defining Your Avatar consciousco-working Aug 07, 2023

 You are divine source energy, as you know. Understanding your avatar helps you direct your content into streams of energy they'll be able to resonate with.

Here's the Challenge:

Many entrepreneurs think when they focus on an avatar, they lose people. This is actually the opposite of what...

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3 Steps to Move Past the Fear of Putting Yourself Out There consciousco-working highestexpression Aug 06, 2023

As part of my journey into creating my online work-from-anywhere job, vocation and living from the highest expression of myself, I went through the process of moving through a "witch wound". 

If we have any kind of unresolved or unprocessed trauma or negative emotions, we go through...

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Why do most people us social media? consciousco-working Aug 03, 2023

A huge difference between Social Media Marketing and Google, YouTube and search engine marketing is that on Google, YouTube and search engines, your potential clients are actively searching for your services. 

These are much more interested buyers who are doing the work to search for...

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Connecting with Your Avatar consciousco-working Aug 01, 2023

Believe it or not I’ve been around since before Google, cell phones, and even pagers. 

When I was 13 years old I got my first pager so my friends could get a hold of me by typing numbers and codes into a corded phone plugged into the wall.


The pager allowed me to receive those...

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Truth in Paradox Jul 31, 2023

Nearly every Truth I've come across has been clouded in paradox. I say 'clouded' because it's not something I saw or noticed right away.

I'm not sure about you, but I have navigated through life being both a "black and white" thinker, and an "all shades of grey" thinker. 

In my younger...

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