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SoulPreneur Tip #2: Manage What You Can Manage

Jun 20, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #2:

Let's talk about the 2 things you can't manage, and the 3 things you can! You'll need a piece of paper for this!

The #1 thing you can't manage is people. Human beings. Nor are they meant to be managed. They are meant to be inspired, motivated, and aligned with the highest expression of who they are and their signature vibration. This means allowing them to exercise their creativity, talents, gifts, and whole-heartedness. Often times, I have to remind corporate leaders and managers that if they want people to love their jobs, inspire them! Help them grow into new versions of themselves....that's what all of us are here working to do, so be the person assisting and inspiring the process. They'll remember you for the rest of their lives. It's that important.

Now, you CAN manage the agreements you've made with people and you can manage expectations on either end, but that's it. Ever try to manage a 5 year old or a teenager? Doesn't work. Our children will always do the good deed of reminding us of our true nature and who we were before society influenced us. We are all free spirits on a journey of remembering who we truly are.

The #2 thing you can't manage is time. Because time is a tool. Time is also an experience. As a tool and experience, time is completely subjective to each individual. It's defined by the individual's level of consciousness at each moment. And we all experience it in our own way in each moment. Time is not a thing to try and manage, it's something to use in the best way you can.

The goal isn't about attempting to manage time, it's all about choosing what you do with your time. The impact I make today vs. 10 years ago is much, much deeper, which means on a service level, I get more done in 1 hour today than I did in 1 year 10 years ago. So, ask yourself, what's the most profound thing you can do with this moment of time? I give you kudos for being here, reading and learning. It means you're working on something important.

Now, let's talk about the 3 things you CAN manage in life and in your business. But let's apply this primarily to your business. Your soulpreneurship. The contract and agreements you made when you decided to have a life experience. You see, I made an agreement to assist lightworkers and soulpreneurs become way-makers of the new earth. And you made an agreement to be a new way-maker of the new earth. So you're here carrying the torch to lead others through. So let's learn some things.

  • Systems. I cannot stress the importance of having a system when it comes to running your business. As I say, "In all of my life, having goals has never changed me, but having systems has profoundly changed who I am, what I do, how I impact the world, and my success." Do you know why? A lot of the business world is the 3D physical world. And us soulpreneurs are here infusing the 5D into the 3D. So, having a 3D system keeps my business running smoothly, allows me to manage my energy, and gives me a consistent course of action to make small changes for efficiency and effectiveness. This means measuring progress, looking at data, and practicing the science of having a business with measurable results. Having a system also allows me to organize where I can plug in processes and procedures. Having a system also helps me develop who I am being and becoming, because I don't have to think so much about what needs to get done, when, or why. So I can spend time developing in the way my heart and soul wants to, and focus more on the art of my business and it's growth and development. Do you have a system to define your messaging, your products, programs, your marketing, your content, your sales, and how you serve people? Take out a blank piece of paper and write a column for "Systems" and list out what you use or have created structurally to support your business.  

  • Priorities. No matter how many things run through your mind in a day, or are on your to do list, you will only ever be able to do 1 thing at a time. The mind is only capable of seriously entertaining 1 thing at a time. If you're scattered and thinking about 100 things, other people pick up on this and steer clear from the chaos. So choose 1 thing from your to do list and slow down, relax, and allow this 1 thing to be the only thing that needs to be done. Then move on to the next 1 thing. You'll find a much more pleasurable experience and enjoyment of completing your tasks and others around you will feel more relaxed too. On the same piece of paper, write out the #1 thing you will focus on completing after you finish reading this. Only 1. 

  • Yourself. We can manage our expectations, our responses vs. reactions, our choices, our contributions to the world, where we go, who we're surround ourself with, what we do with our time...and that 1 priority we choose to complete at a time, to say the least. I like to ask myself, is there anything I WANT to do differently right now? And then I do it or figure out a way to do it. If I can't find an answer, I ask the question, sit in silence for 5 minutes and stay open for the answer.  And I am constantly asking myself: Who else do I want to be? What part of me have I not met yet? How can I live more fearlessly, how can I take bigger risks and bigger jumps in order to best use the time I have here? So your last task here, is to write a question down, put your hand on your heart, ask for guidance, and spend 5 minutes in the quiet. Be sure to write down your answerer.


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