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Lora Perry's definition of SoulPreneur

Jun 12, 2024

Lora Perry's definition of SoulPreneur (sol-pra-new-er): VERB

"A way-maker of the new earth. A determined and creation-led lightworker. 

An individual bringing new light to the world. New systems, new businesses, new leaders, new possibilities, making impact, taking action to assist with the creation of the new earth into an experienced reality.

A spirit driven, soul-led individual being called to action through initiation of being and doing in order to reach their highest expression and assist others to do the same. Acknowledging all individuality & all unity. In presence, connection, and effortless flow.

Living in everyday purpose accepting and open to all forms of abundance, living a life full of prosperity and every form of wealth and freedom. An individual living a deeply profound, beautiful, experience of life and living. Fully experiencing “the fullness of you.”

Diving deep to express their creative being, and bringing it into the world in a heart-felt, guided, feel-good, fun, unique way by utilizing their own creativity, intellectual ability, combining personal mind and impersonal mind; being fully present to the journey and process of creation, acknowledging and respecting their own god spark as such."

- Lora Perry

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