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SoulPreneur Tip #8: Lead Magnets

Aug 06, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #8:

Understanding Lead Magnets & Customer Magnets

As you may know by now, lead magnets are a small service or item, digital or otherwise that you offer the public in exchange for their contact information. But it goes a lot deeper than that energetically.

Through all the dense energy in the world, especially in the online space, lead magnets and customer magnets are meant to attract you to those you are meant to serve, can serve, able to serve or want to serve. It's a magnetization. 

It's a way for us to connect to each other and it provides a beginning process for the energetic exchange and connection to seed, nurture, and grow.

The Lead Magnet

I like to explain this through the analogy of the dating world. If someone were wanting to give you their phone number they'd say "hey, here's my number... call me if you want to hang out."

A lead magnet isn't anything like that. A lead magnet is more like a life line. It'd be a kin to saying, "hey, if you need help, call me." And they do. They reach out because they download what you've offered. They open themselves up to receive from you, and they give in return so you can keep the energetic exchange and relationship going.

This works wonders to determine if we resonate with others, or not.

Then the relationship begins from a "cold" relationship (them knowing very little about you or who you are) to a "warm" relationship (them warming up to you through your regular content and contact/nurture campaigns) to "hot" relationships: They're at your door with their debit or credit card ready to exchange the energy of money for your unique product or service.

They need your help. They want your help. That's why they're there.

A variety of lead magnets are widely used regularly because we have to know who needs our help before we can even offer it to them. This can help us "attract" those individuals. And when they provide their contact information, they are asking for help. 

The Customer Magnet

The customer magnet is a low priced product, service, or solution that requires less "warming up". Why? Because they've gone through the process of qualifying themselves as a buyer. This means they can get from the "cold space" of not knowing you, who you are, or what you offer a lot faster. 

In the dating world, it's a kin to saying "thanks for dinner, we'll chat again if this was fun."

It's a deeper exchange right from the beginning. 

Is there a wrong or a right answer between the lead magnet vs. customer magnet? No. I fact, I tell my clients to test both concepts and do what you always do: measure the results. They both work differently with the same end results in mind: so you can help and serve and so they can grow, find solutions to their challenges and level up their life in the ways they're determined to do so.

So, which one would you start with and why? What are your thoughts behind it? The lead magnet or the customer magnet? Simply email me at [email protected] with your choice in the subject line.

Much love and happy traveling.


p.s. Our next monthly Lightworker's Lounge Zoom call is August 6 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST. and we'd love to have you as a part of our heart-felt community where you'll receive positive vibes, support, and guidance for your journey moving forward. Check it out and hope to see you there!



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