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SoulPreneur Tip #5: Claim Your Inheritance

Jul 18, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!


This is simple but not always easy.

Last week I told you a story about how much success I felt in my private investigation business.

And I did... until 5 years later I felt my service in that area abruptly coming to an end. I got so busy with clients & ended up going through a complete destruction of my life. So in my mind it served me to put all of my time and energy into staying distracted with work.

That is... until it didn't help anymore.

I see this now as the universe saying "okay, you see this isn't going to work anymore... take another path..."

But I didn't listen.

I ignored it.

For a while.
Until the pain hurt more and more and the call got louder and louder.

Finally, after months and months of deliberation, sadness, confusion, hopelessness and worry... I decided to shut down my business.

I could have sold it. But instead, I gave it an exit I wanted it to have. Created by me and dissolved by me. I wanted to preserve the memory of Elliott Point Investigations & Elliott Point Legal. I wanted it to be in my heart and mind as it was, not as what someone else may make of it.

So I faxed the paperwork to shut it down for good.

I sent all my clients to colleagues and for what felt like years, I simmered in a soup bowl of worry, fear, and faith. I bounced around in all the thoughts that once had something else to focus on... that were now free, rampant, wild, worried, and chaotic. I could hardly stand myself.

I was also getting really sick and needed to heal so really, I didn't have a choice but to make a different move in life.

That was the universe's way of saying "see, you can't survive in this space of existence, you must make a change..."

I grieved, I worried... I prayed. I was in fight or flight most of the time.

I honestly could write an entire book about the fear, worry and chaos that went through my mind. Come to think of it, I probably have a trilogy of journals detailing my dreary sadness, depression, immense worry and my imminent, unavoidable doom.

Eventually (thank goodness for eventually)...

It became apparent that only after I shut the door on that business my TRUE education and success began.

As time continued, a rocky, dim, but new path began to open up.

THIS was the beginning steps of claiming my inheritance.

You see, I had to let go in order for it to come to me.

This inheritance was and is more than just the "energy" of money. It is my divine inheritance. It is an energetic education, an influx of information, downloads, experiences and emotion. This inheritance is not something that can be put into words easily. It is other-wordly. It's a spiritual inheritance and holds more value than anything on earth.

It was a shedding of the old and a growing of the new.

I didn't know it at the time, but I had left behind a life that wasn't meant to be long-term, it was just a short chapter in the book of my life, and I had a hard time turning that page. But I did it.

Soon after, I could feel the energy of my ancestors and those before me holding me up, supporting me. I felt HUNDREDS of energetic beings standing behind me and all around me, protecting me, loving me. Reminding me that I'm not in this alone. I had an energetic army. Some were kneeling in honor and understanding that the earth plane isn't easy. I could feel my loved ones on the other side giving me a standing ovation.

Can you believe that? They were all so proud of me.

And they still are. I feel their energy uplifting me and supporting me still every single day.

They remind me that I've got the baton in my hand and to keep going forward, even through the darkness I can be the light.

I am still humbled by this.

It still moves me and brings me to tears.

I went through many energetic shifts over the next 7+ years. I am not even close to being the person I used to be on an energetic level.

My inheritance isn't just energy towards me. IT IS ME.

THIS is what I mean by inheritance.

I had to let go to receive it.

And so will you.

It's my legacy, your legacy.

It's my responsibility & authority in life. And your responsibility. Your authority.

All of this said, inheritance comes with every form of abundance imaginable and much more you can't even think up.

It also comes with all the thoughts that shed from your reality as you raise to higher consciousness levels.

You'll experience these but only for a short while.

And they'll be replaced with new, helpful more positive thoughts... because that is what happens when you climb up the tuning forks to higher consciousness.

We must accept the possibility of total chaos for order to ensue.

And the coolest part. Your inheritance doesn't end. You get to accept more and more every day. So every day you'll be taking on new challenges, processing new information, accessing new wisdom. Finding more of you and experiencing all forms of abundance.

Your Inheritance is MORE OF YOU. If I listed out all the parts of yourself you're missing out on, you wouldn't believe me. So you're going to have to find out for yourself...

And all of this comes with a new life.

You get to CLAIM your inheritance.


You will have to let go of some things.

Peel something away.

Give up something.

Abandon a behavior.

Let go of an attachment.

Release beliefs about yourself.

Someone once asked me "do you regret shutting down your business and not selling it?"

My answer is: If I had known what my inheritance would have been by letting that go, I would have paid someone to take it off my hands years earlier. Because claiming my inheritance is still paying dividends.

And lastly, if you look around and notice all the people in your life who you see staying with the old for far too long, holding on and not letting go... and you're here thinking "I wish they'd let go and claim their inheritance!"

You may be right.

But it's not them who needs to claim it. It's YOU.

And remember, you've got an army standing behind you, kneeling before you, and loved ones giving you a standing ovation. You have no idea who you really and truly are, or how powerful you truly are. But we all know. We're here cheering youon.

Cheers to claiming your inheritance.

Much love and happy learning,


P.S. - 🔥 Lightworker's Lounge is now open! Watch this video. When you enroll for a yearly subscription you get a 60-minute one-on-one clarity call with me. This is only offered for a short period of time so don't wait to enroll.

▶️ I have a lot of amazing videos hitting the YouTube platform soon so if you haven't subscribed yet, do so here: YouTube Channel.

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