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SoulPreneur Tip #1: Doing & Being

Jun 14, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #1:

Take inventory and shine awareness on your masculine and feminine energy. These energies can change momentarily, but oftentimes we're circulating in a habitual pattern of one or the other. Masculine energy is the doing energy. Feminine energy is the being energy.

Masculine energy is also the energy we give with. Feminine energy is the energy we receive with. 

The magic is when we are in a dance with both, simultaneously. Much of your guidance is in this “dance space”.

The energies of being and doing work together in everything in life... from relationships to making money to everything in creation. And it’s important to know which energy you're dancing in once you step into SoulPreneurship. (for my definition of SoulPreneur, check out this post)

I remember when I was 8 or 9, I was out on a hot summer day on my bike, soaring down hills, adventuring around with my friends. Swimming at the community pool, playing at the park on the swings, jump roping with the neighbor kids, hanging out with my brothers…saving turtles from the middle of the road and pulling tadpoles from the stream. I remember wondering on one of those days…”was that today or yesterday we went swimming?” Because the days back then felt sooooo long. Side note: obviously days are still 24 hours long some 30 (ish) years later.

When we're kids we naturally know how to "be" in the world. Days feel like they last weeks, and our ability to stay present in the moment is natural as daylight. Kids are masters at being. And if you notice, we did what we felt inspired to do. With the right dance, we can get back to the long, wondrous days of childhood.

For too many reasons to name, modern society teaches us to choose one or the other, give or receive, do or be, get it done or be present. And we tend to build from that habitual foundation we learned - the one that worked for us, provided for us, or kept us safe or loved.

Now... you just need to be aware of where you are and ask yourself if it's serving you in the ways you want it to because along the soulpreneurship journey we can get stuck. Here are some common struggles I’ve seen when we're circling in one energy or the other for too long: 

Sitting in too much feminine energy: being fully present but not taking action for any reason. Mindful of your self-care and feeling nourished but frustrated with not knowing what to do in your business. Leaving you to stay in your job or a situation you don't want to be in. Often feeling overwhelmed, lacking self-belief or self-worth, and focusing on all the things you want to change about yourself.

Sitting in too much masculine energy: doing things, a lot of things, even if they are the wrong things. Working on many projects at once without finishing any of them. Moving quickly, hitting walls often and getting discouraged, or wondering why things aren’t working out. Life regularly brings you to a stop in some way whether it's getting sick or external circumstances forcing you to slow down.

So how can we learn to dance with these energies simultaneously as our soulpreneurship journey continues?

  1. We remember how to be again, like when you were a kid. When you're being, you pick up on inspiration and hunches, and you'll know exactly what to do. And you'll be able to dance with being present and getting the right stuff done.
  2. We look at our definition again: Human + being. Human being.

Human: Physical and 3D representation of a spirit having a physical experience. Just one thing you get to do while you're here is bring "things" into this physical plane. Taking the formless and bringing it into form. You’re a creator like that. And you’re so powerful that thinking about it both brings me to tears and gives me goosebumps. 

Take action, do, and lead with masculine energy. Because without doing, nothing gets done. 

Being: Experiencing the now as loving and compassionate awareness.  Listen, be, feel, and stay present in the now moment. Ask your guides for guidance and stay open to receive the guidance and everything else that is rightfully yours. Because what is meant for you is working hard to get to you, but without your receiving energy open, it has a hard time getting to you. Remember, much of your guidance is accessible from this "being" space, and from being you'll know exactly what to "do" next.  

To summarize: Exercise and utilize masculine energy to get shit done. This is your gas pedal. Get it done now because later isn’t a time space, later is a way to delay. Action is the physical representation of invisible energy, so if you want to see what you can do, you must do it regularly and consistently. Give to others because it’s a good way to exercise this energy as well. But give to yourself too!

Exercise and utilize feminine energy by sitting down, soaking up the sunshine, smell the roses, slow down! Be with yourself and those you love. Open up your receptors to experience life in a new way… be willing to look for things you’ve never seen before and notice things you never noticed before. Stay curious and bathe in childlike wonder. Accept compliments and gifts from others. Stay open and see what life brings you, there are always gifts, and messages from the universe making their way to you.

Now… let's dance!



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