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SoulPreneur Tip #3: The 3 Parts of Business Building

Jun 28, 2024

SoulPreneur Tip #3:

Understanding the 3 parts of business building: 1. The Software 2. The Hardware 3. The Tools. Many soulpreneurs tend to focus in only one (or none) of these areas... I'll briefly go over them all so you can reflect on what you may want to learn more about and begin to implement.

1. The software of your business... your artistry; I also refer to this as your shine.

Your artistry and your shine is something only you can offer and do in this world. Even someone selling the same product or service cannot replicate what you bring forward. This is because your artistry and your shine is your spirit, your soul, your energy, and the experience you came here to have. For most of us, this includes grounding energy and/or bringing new energy to the planet. This is the formless nature of YOU and what you offer humanity in order for it, and you to evolve individually and collectively.

I used to want to sing, write songs, compose, and play the guitar on stage...there is that one Youtube Channel out there somewhere from 20 years ago lol... Although what I do now is very different, I still infuse the same creative energy and love into my life's work and play. My heart and soul go into what I share with you, and it's important to me that it does.

You are a creator too, and there are things only you can create. Recognize your business not as who you are but as an expression of who you are, the artist within. I can't tell you who that is, but I encourage that part of you to come to the forefront little by little or lot by lot. This is a fun experience we have in Lightworker's Lounge every month. The artistry of your business building has a beautiful blended combination of being and doing; masculine and feminine energy.

2. The Hardware of your business also called "the science". These are the structures, practical steps, frameworks, processes and systems that best serve your business. Including marketing, advertising, principles and facts. The hardware you use and apply depends on 1) what works best for you and supports you emotionally and logically. 2) the business model that works best for you.

 I'll have videos up soon to assist you with the hardware of your business, so make sure you're subscribed to my YouTube Channel.

Remember, you are building your business around your life; not building your life around your business. So the hardware and business model you choose must support you for sustainability, longevity, enjoyment, and "job" satisfaction purposes.

3.The Tools you use. Tools are online platforms (including all social media sites), websites, emails delivery systems, brick and mortar buildings, etc. There are so many tools available these days. The only way you can go wrong is by moving around too much between platforms and always advancing to the next new tool. Pick something that works for you and build up and maximize profits before you make any lateral moves.

Now that you've learned a bit about all 3 areas, ask yourself some questions. Take some notes and decide where you want to spend more time.

  • Are you sharing your artistry, energy and solutions with others? Does what you're offering align with your heart?
  • Do you have frameworks, structures and systems set up and running smoothly or are you a bit lost on what these might even be? This is good information for you to know so you can decide what you want to learn.
  • Are you well-versed in the tools you're using on a daily basis to build your business? Are you aware of their functions? Do you allow yourself to learn as a game or as a chore?

In my experience and with other SoulPreneurs I've assisted, these 3 parts of business building when merged together elegantly allow you to maximize profits and maximize impact. When any one of these are lagging, the business as a whole tends to suffer or have a hard time taking off so, reflecting on where you are now will help you move to the next level quickly.

The good news is that with guidance, all of this is rather simple to put together.

I hope you've learned something new! See you next week!



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