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Lora Perry's Blog

Your Avatar: A Collective with a Specific Challenge avatar business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023

"Finding my avatar". What does this mean?

Your avatar is an individual who needs help the way only YOU can deliver it. Understanding your avatar in-depth allows you to approach them compassionately and with deep knowledge of what they're struggling with. 

It's not uncommon for your avatar to...

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Do I HAVE to have a Niche? avatar business business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023
Q: Do I have to have a niche? I have so many interests!
A: there is a specific collective who has a specific challenge and even if you haven’t found them yet, you signed up to help them long ago.  You’re meant to do something big. Trust the timing ā¯¤ļø¸ it’s always...
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Spirituality & Starting a Business business&spirituality marketing Jun 19, 2023
If you’ve had a spiritual awakening, you now ask the question, "what will I DO with my life?" You’re in a physical world where action is the language of your highest expression.
You’re in a physical world with a physical body. You’re in a place to GROUND...
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Your Thoughts Are Things! consciousco-working thoughts Jun 14, 2023

Let this be your reminder that thoughts are actual things!

Why? Because all things are made of energy, including thoughts! Thoughts are simply a type of energy you can't see right away, it's initially "In-Visible" Visible only from within.

Everything around you, including your own existence,...

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Challenges Are Simply Change Disguised As Opportunities May 24, 2023


"To live is to experience, learn, and grow. To live freely is to face challenges and change with unwavering faith and an open heart." - Lora Perry

As human beings, we like the right amount of challenge. Not too little, and not too much. This is because we are wired to grow...

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On Abundance abundance Apr 30, 2023

 What if I told you abundance is all around you?

I used to think the only form of abundance was money. You know WHY I thought this? It's because over time, society teaches us to hyper-focus on this one and only form.

Then, I had more money than I needed but felt I lacked in other areas...

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Speak From YourĀ Heart in Life & In Business business Apr 24, 2023

I had this conversation with a member of our Master Mind Group (We'll call him Sam). What started the conversation is that his employee (we'll call him John) deeply cares about what he does for a living but is hit and miss on his success rate.

John creates deep and meaningful...

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The Principle of Thought Lesson 3 principles thought three principles Mar 25, 2023

The Principle of Thought is a Constant in Life but the Energy Exists in Various Frequencies.

Take a moment to be objective about your thoughts while you simply observe and notice how they feel. Do not attach judgement to a thought or whether its wrong or right, simple notice the emotion and see...

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What Most People Don't Know About Love love Feb 01, 2023

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." 

- Lao TzU


As we move through life and experience love, by being loved and loving, we learn a few things: 


  • Love is a feeling
  • Love is an action
  • Love is a high frequency...
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You Are Always Manifesting Something manifesting Jan 25, 2023

Many of us are excited to manifest the life of our dreams, and it's important to understand that you are always manifesting something. You have manifested your life as it is now. Whether you were conscious or unconscious about it is another story, but we are creative beings and one of the big...

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A Reminder Of Your Super Powers Jan 18, 2023

You have many super powers, but here are a few we often forget about.


Wisdom. No one on this planet lacks wisdom. Wisdom is innate and it is accessible at all times and to every one. 


Insight. New thought. Insights come to you seemingly as new ideas or new thought. Insights are...

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Living From The Inside Out Jan 11, 2023

Many people have a misconception that we experience life from the outside-in, that what creates our reality is on the outside of us, and then we experience our lives internally and emotionally. 


The opposite is actually true. The reality you see and experience on the outside, the...

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