
SoulPreneur Prosperity Academy Blog

Truth in Paradox Jul 31, 2023

Nearly every Truth I've come across has been clouded in paradox. I say 'clouded' because it's not something I saw or noticed right away.

I'm not sure about you, but I have navigated through life being both a "black and white" thinker, and an "all shades of grey" thinker. 

In my younger...

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The 3rd Type of Thought Energy thoughtenergy thoughts Jul 07, 2023

In my previous email and post I wrote about how thoughts create your reality. We went over the thoughts you attract and the thoughts you generate. 

In short, the thoughts you attract to you and your energy field stem from the vibration of your beliefs and your belief system. If you prefer to...

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11 Things to Practice While Growing Your Conscious Business business&spirituality consciousco-working Jul 07, 2023

There you are! Look at you, you're finally ready to grow your conscious business! You did the work, you've navigated your healing journey and it brought you here! Such synchronicity and beauty in how life unfolds. 

Being here reading this means you're meant to step onto your highest life...

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Are You Missing Out on a Freedom Lifestyle? freedomlifestyle Jun 28, 2023

I've been thinking a lot about my passions in life and where I want to focus my time, energy and effort. Our days in this world are limited and whether we have a million days left or one, they're moving through us day by day by day. 

When I think about our passions (mine and yours), I think...

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What's The Importance of Branding My Business? branding Jun 25, 2023
A few years ago I was helping our 2 martial arts schools get on the same page. They had 2 different logos, no specific colors, no specific fonts.... They felt like 2 totally different schools. Even their business facebook pages had 2 different cover photos and profile images. There was no feel,...
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What the World Desperately Needs highvibe passion purpose Jun 25, 2023
Do you know what the world desperately wants and needs?
It wants and needs each and every single one of us following our passions. Because that is where your purpose lives.
Only in following your passion will you live a life of no-regret, only in following your...
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Your Beliefs Determine The Thoughts You Attract beliefs thoughtenergy thoughts Jun 22, 2023


Here is just one a piece of your reality that is ruled by thought.

Thoughts are energy frequencies we can attractgenerate, and/or receive

Absolutely everything is energy and there is no exception for the energy of thought. Imagine frequencies of energy floating...

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Your Avatar: A Collective with a Specific Challenge avatar business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023

"Finding my avatar". What does this mean?

Your avatar is an individual who needs help the way only YOU can deliver it. Understanding your avatar in-depth allows you to approach them compassionately and with deep knowledge of what they're struggling with. 

It's not uncommon for your avatar to...

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Do I HAVE to have a Niche? avatar business business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023
Q: Do I have to have a niche? I have so many interests!
A: there is a specific collective who has a specific challenge and even if you haven’t found them yet, you signed up to help them long ago.  You’re meant to do something big. Trust the timing ā¯¤ļø¸ it’s always...
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Spirituality & Starting a Business business&spirituality marketing Jun 19, 2023
If you’ve had a spiritual awakening, you now ask the question, "what will I DO with my life?" You’re in a physical world where action is the language of your highest expression.
You’re in a physical world with a physical body. You’re in a place to GROUND...
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Your Thoughts Are Things! consciousco-working thoughts Jun 14, 2023

Let this be your reminder that thoughts are actual things!

Why? Because all things are made of energy, including thoughts! Thoughts are simply a type of energy you can't see right away, it's initially "In-Visible" Visible only from within.

Everything around you, including your own existence,...

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Challenges Are Simply Change Disguised As Opportunities May 24, 2023


"To live is to experience, learn, and grow. To live freely is to face challenges and change with unwavering faith and an open heart." - Lora Perry

As human beings, we like the right amount of challenge. Not too little, and not too much. This is because we are wired to grow...

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