
Your Avatar: A Collective with a Specific Challenge

avatar business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023

"Finding my avatar". What does this mean?

Your avatar is an individual who needs help the way only YOU can deliver it. Understanding your avatar in-depth allows you to approach them compassionately and with deep knowledge of what they're struggling with. 

It's not uncommon for your avatar to fit a past-version of you or a past-challenge or a combination of challenges you've overcome.

You're avatar will feel understood, heard, and supported by your direct understanding of their life challenge. 

To learn more about your avatar and your niche, check out this article I wrote.

Part of the journey with any business is discovering who we are here to help, and with what. A big part of this question and answer, is discoverable within the questions: WHY? "Why do you want to help others and WHO do you love helping? WHO is your ideal client?

It's a process and it's best to trust the universe and the timing as it is always perfect.

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