
Your Thoughts Are Things!

consciousco-working thoughts Jun 14, 2023

Let this be your reminder that thoughts are actual things!

Why? Because all things are made of energy, including thoughts! Thoughts are simply a type of energy you can't see right away, it's initially "In-Visible" Visible only from within.

Everything around you, including your own existence, nature, the planet, and everything in existence started with just 1 thought. And then it came into creation. 

The proof is all around you. The chair you're sitting in as you read this, it started as a simple thought. Mr. Builder thought something like this:

"What if I design a chair like this?"

You see, the chair you're sitting in didn't exist or come into physical creation until Mr. Builder took the action to create the chair after creating the design, but it started with just 1 thought! More thoughts and aligned actions followed to bring the chair into creation, and now it exists - right under your butt! And it all started with 1 random thought from Mr. Builder. 

The coffee or tea you drink, started with just 1 thought. 

The device you're reading this on... started with just 1 thought. 

The house or apartment you're living in, started as just 1 thought. 

Thought just IS, it will always exist as part of the human experience. But so does free will. Mr. Builder entertained the thought of designing then building the chair, but he could have said: "Naaa I'll build a bed instead...or a boat...or he could have taken a walk and forgot all about it."

How many thoughts do you have each day that you actually want to take action on? Start paying attention! You're no different than Mr. Builder, we can all turn our thoughts + physical action into things!

Here's the formula: Thought -> Emotion -> Behavior/Action

You can decide what you want to create in your life! All you have to do is allow thoughts to come and go but don't take any of them seriously unless you WANT to! ALL of your behaviors and actions stem first from the thoughts you choose to believe! This said, what we create in our emotional world stems from energy as well, (energy-in-motion) so no matter what you're going through, all of it involves the thoughts you're giving weight to. 

In my next email I'll explain WHERE thoughts come from and WHY we all experience different kinds of thoughts, and why some of us are prone to negative thoughts, and others more positive. 

As a 3 Principles Coach, my purpose and passion is to teach you about your equipment and how you're built as a human being so you'll be able to navigate life more gracefully, aware, and in your own power. 

If you enjoy this content, join my Free Facebook Coaching Group and join in on the conversations here:


Are you a soulpreneur, a healer, or spirit-led business owner looking for support, encouragement, direction and/or practical guidance to help you grow a successful business? If so, join my Free Facebook Group, Conscious Co-Working Here: 


Did you know that your brain can't NOT answer a question? In my Facebook Group "Conscious Co-Working" I encourage you to start asking the right questions like:   

  • Why am I a phenomenal and successful business owner?
  • What makes positive and supportive people magnetize to me?
  • What is it about me that attracts the perfect clients?
  • Why am I the type of person who has a successful business and make a million or more a year?
  • Why am I the type of person who attracts healthy and loving people into my life?
  • Why am I the type of person who has fun growing my business day by day? 
  • Why am I the type of person who always knows exactly what to do and when to do it?
  • Why am I the type of person to have an engaged and purposeful social media presence?

Most of us are trained to ask ourselves negative questions: “Why am I such a_________ why do I do this__________[negative]? 

But we are changing that now to: “Why am I_______ why do I_______ why am I the type of person to________ [positive]?
Now it’s your turn! Ask yourself some positive questions!
“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” -Henry Thoreau
So much love and support to you, new friend!


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