
Your Beliefs Determine The Thoughts You Attract

beliefs thoughtenergy thoughts Jun 22, 2023


Here is just one a piece of your reality that is ruled by thought.

Thoughts are energy frequencies we can attractgenerate, and/or receive

Absolutely everything is energy and there is no exception for the energy of thought. Imagine frequencies of energy floating around the quantum field...this is exactly what thought-energy looks like.

Thought energy exists in every frequency you can imagine, from a very low, dense hateful and negative frequency to a high, love, joy, light, positive frequency & every frequency and e-motion in between. 

Thoughts you ATTRACT attract to you based on your BELIEFS. You'll attract a thought, then an emotion (e-motion/energy-in-motion) is generated by your body. Then a behavior or action is taken based on that emotion. 

It usually happens super-fast! But with practice you can slow down, notice and interrupt the process between the thought/emotion/behavior transitions. This will allow you to move from a re-active state to a responsive state of being.

For example, let's say you experience low-self esteem or believe something negative about your self-worth. You will attract the SAME frequency of thought which correlates with this belief. This is why most people don't change, because the thoughts keep coming! And they keep believing them!


This means to change the thoughts that are attracted to you, you have to look at your beliefs and belief structures, and change each of them to something you DO prefer to experience. Low self-esteem or low self-worth isn't high on the "I want to experience this" list for most people.  

Try interrupting a negative thought by simply noticing it, and see what happens after you notice it! A space for CHOICE and your FREE WILL opens up for you to decide where to go next. This is how you can choose a response to the thought vs. the energetic/emotional "reaction".

Once you learn to change your beliefs, you will experience attracting different frequencies of thoughts which correlate to your new beliefs.

Beliefs are like anchors for thought energy. Like attracts like, as proven by physicists.

This is true for every human being.

Now we'll talk about thoughts you GENERATE as a GENERATOR....

A few tips:

1. When looking at your beliefs, ask yourself "what would I have to believe for X to be true?" You'll laugh when you move through this exercise. Because to actually believe you are worth-less than anyone else, you'd have to believe other people are worth more. What else would you have to believe for this to be true?

2. When you notice you've attracted a thought you don't prefer, focus on a positive thought instead. This may be a challenge at first but it gets a lot easier. 

3. When you attract a thought and you notice you're generating more thoughts and emotions stemmed from this first thought... understand you can jump off this "TRAIN OF THOUGHT" at any time and jump onto another more positive train of thought you DO prefer to experience. 

Our entire life experience comes down to our thoughts and ways of thinking. 

And our ways of thinking and the thoughts we attract, generate and stem from what we believe to be true in the world, about the world, about life, about others, and about ourselves. 

YOU have the power to change all of this. 

This week we went over:



Next week, I'll tell you about the 3rd and final thought-energy category. 

Stay inspired. With love, 




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