There you are! Look at you, you're finally ready to grow your conscious business! You did the work, you've navigated your healing journey and it brought you here! Such synchronicity and beauty in how life unfolds.
Being here reading this means you're meant to step onto your highest life path by living your passion and shining your light and your gifts onto the world! I'm really excited for you, because you're headed to living a freedom lifestyle and a freedom lifestyle is just as it sounds: free with nothing holding you down but absolutely everything lifting you up. Cheers to this new adventure you're on as you navigate these beginning chapters of your new life.
Here are 11 things I've learned while building my conscious business. It's important to remember you're not alone in your creation process. In fact, you have the universe as an audience and guides assisting you through every move. Don't forget, you also have free will to determine what feels good to you and for you, so remember to utilize this as you accept assistance from the other side!
1. Create A Plan But Navigate Through Flow
Having both business strategy and tactics is important as you navigate through your journey. Your strategy is the architect of your home, it's the blue print. Tactics are the plumbing and the plumber, the electrician and the electricity, the builders and the materials being used to build with. As you travel this journey, everything can't be "set in stone" as it's coming into creation and growing through you. Intellect can help, but it's not your primary guide. You'll know when you're sticking to a plan that isn't serving you fully when you feel stuck, stressed, bogged down, overwhelmed, confused, and/or exhausted. This is a good indicator to take a step back, breathe, and tune into a space that feels easy. With this ease and effortlessness, you can then find a task, angle or direction that matches this flowing feeling of water making it's way to create a riverbed simply by being and doing. There is no struggle in your flow creation process, there is no overwhelm or exhaustion. Just as the river creates the riverbed without stress, and the flower blooms without "stuckness", the clouds drop the rain without confusion, and nature "natures" just by existing, so do you.
2. Follow Your Passion and Be Yourself
The passion you feel is a message from your higher self. The excitement and higher vibrational energies you feel along with curiosity, joy, and passion is the energy you're meant to follow as you create from your soul. This energy is how your higher self is communicating with you. Your higher self is the middle man between your physical being and your soul. As long as you're following your passion, you're on the right track to your highest life path and the all abundant and freedom lifestyle you're reaching for. It's an indication that you're fully operating from your power and in alignment with fulfilling your purpose. Being yourself as your passion unfolds this magical path before you is what will attract your tribe and those you're meant to assist, lead, help, and/or support. In addition, this will attract the people who are meant to be in your life. This is why they say "be yourself because everyone else is taken..." because people who need you will resonate with your vibration and your soul expression, no one else's.
3. Tune Into and Follow Your Intuition
Your intuition be a feeling from your gut, your heart, or a combination from the mind/body/spirit. It's generally a knowing, or a super-fast nudge. It's not a thinking, but it could be an insight (not a thought, it's a sight or seeing from within). Most businesses make a mistake of following someone else's system, procedure, or approach when in reality, these other businesses may not be as successful as they look or as they say they are. Also, what other businesses likely do is what works for them. Not you. You can contemplate other peoples' systems and protocols and decide from your intuition if it feels good for your own business before taking the time to apply it. It has to feel good, make sense and feel aligned with your highest good. It has to be in alignment with your mission and your passion. I like to use the warmer/colder method as I navigate through all the ruckus, info, and advice from literally millions of business owners claiming they have "my solution". If I'm curious, I'll learn more. If it aligns with my heart/warmer, I take time to see what parts of a system feels good, simple and easy to me. If it feels like I'm moving away from my goals/colder, I pivot and turn another direction.
Your intuition will guide you to the right people, the right places, the right books, teachers and lessons... just hold back on attaching yourself to any specific outcome from these encounters. You may be getting a glimpse of something you'll learn will never work for you or your business. This knowing what you don't prefer or what you don't want is just as valuable as learning something that does serve you and that you do want to apply. You could also be meeting a person you'll know for life, learning a tactic, or walk away with an entire strategy under your belt to apply immediately. You can never know for sure, and that's part of the fun of your journey! But your intuition is always here to help you find what you need to know and learn.
When you follow your intuition and guidance, your business will have a sense of self and a spirit of it's own. If not, it'll feel cold, confusing, distant and ungrounding to those around you. So be sure to tune into your in-tuition, also defined as "your inner teacher" as it is your best resource above all.
4. Ask For Guidance From Your Spirit Guides & From The Universe
Utilize your free will by asking you guides for help and/or support. Each of us has at least 1 spirit guide who is with us our entire life. This guide was present before we incarnated to earth during our "planning" phase as we chose what to experience in this lifetime and what we chose do accomplish, be, and do... among other things. As you very well know, we chose to wipe our memory of such plans and now, we're playing the game of remembering as we step into our destiny and navigate life. Your guide can send you thought energy, align synchronicity, and other signs to help you navigate your path both in depth/higher consciousness levels and through the illusion of linear time/future.
In addition to your 1 guide who is with you your entire lifetime, you have multiple other guides who are with you through certain stages and chapters of your life. As you're building your conscious business, you definitely have guides who are helping you through this chapter and preparing you for the next. They're eager to help and excited to watch you soar, so help them utilize their own passion and purpose by asking for help and guidance.
Above all, it's important to remember the Universe always has your back, and the steps you need to take in your journey will always unfold before you 1 step at a time. Never more and never less. So take a step and the universe will show you the next one. This is how you can listen to the universe in the ways you are seeking. And remember, if you're not sure which step to take, ask your spirit guides, you're sure to get an answer quickly.
5. Ask For Guidance From Spirit Guides Who Have Had Life Experience In Your Niche, Interest and/or Expertise
Remember the guides I spoke of above? The ones who are with you as you move through life, grow your business, step into your passion and assisting you along the way? Well, you also have 24/7 access to guides who have already lived earthly lives who specialize in your specific niche or area, such as human resources, communication, martial arts, yoga, herbal healing, quantum healing, shamans, writers, etc. You have guides who have years of specialized experience in your area, so utilize them by asking for help and guidance. Just as your personal spirit guides are always ready and willing to help, so are these guides. But it takes your free will in asking for help before they can step in and do so effectively.
6. Ask & Answer The Question: "How Can I Make The Biggest Difference That Is In Alignment With My Passion?"
Even if you don't know what you're truly passionate about, you can ask yourself this question momentarily as you grow, build and create your business. Action is the physical expression of your passion, so knowing what your passion is - or at least the biggest difference and change you can make in the world - allows you to take the right actions. What's the biggest mark you can leave on the world? That do you want to leave humanity with? Following the threads of excitement, curiosity, joy, love, and passion are high vibrational energies that are guiding you to and through your passion each and every moment. As I mentioned above, following your passion aligns you with your highest life path. If you can't decide on one specific thing, it's likely that you're thinking too small and the inner workings of the energy is still coming into alignment with your being. Think bigger, live in the moment with full acceptance of either knowing or not knowing, and trust the timing as everything happens perfectly when and as it should.
7. Pay Attention To Synchronicities
Becoming the observer of your thoughts, life, and journey will help you notice synchronicities around you. Destiny is divinely constructed and planned, so observing the signs around you can help boost your confidence that you're moving in the right direction as you use your free will. This includes simple synchronicities like 12:12 on the clock or on license plates, picking up a book just to find the 1 sentence you need to read, as well as more physical synchronicities like unexpectedly meeting an individual you resonate with - even if they only stay in your life for a moment, the encounter has purpose, meaning, and information imbedded within it's energy for you to integrate into your own energy field. There are red light and green light synchronicities: a red light synchronicity means you're on the right track and what you "know for sure" is in fact true, but the timing may not be right just yet. Green light synchronicity is when your insights, intuition, signs and timing is all in alignment. As you travel through life, you'll become more and more aware of the divine planning unfolding all around you through the natural synchronistic energy flows.
8. Stay Open To All Possibilities
Many business owners hold on tightly to specific expectations regarding what they "think" they want or what "should" happen. The truth is when we do this, we shut all the doors to the higher-good possibilities which are constantly working to move into our life experience. It's okay to have some expectations, but expectations on a "specific outcome" not only leads to stress, disappointment, and a roller coaster of emotion, they limit your possibilities.
Your business will naturally grow and evolve just as you do, so holding on tightly keeps you closed off to growth, pleasant surprises and unlimited abundance.
The key here is to hold on lightly and allow flow to work through you. Allow yourself to be surprised and amazed by the twists and turns of your life and every aspect of it. There is so much of your journey that is the point and we can never see the big picture within the small steps until we look back in hindsight.
9. Learn To Ground Your Ideas, Insights & Knowledge
You'll hear me mention this a lot! Why? Because us spiritual folks have all spent a lot of time in 5D or at high frequencies while learning about that reality and what it entails. But, you still have to live a physical life here in 3D as the entire planet increases its vibration. Being that you're here right now reading this, you certainly have a purpose in the 3D reality, and along with the information you've learned in both vibrations, you can take what you know and GROUND your ideas, insights, and knowledge in the 3D by using your chakras to "birth" this informational energy through your root chakra and into physical expression. This means fully utilizing your energetic body to create. Whether you're creating an online service business, product business, or a brick and mortar business.... it's meant to come through you and into physical reality so others can experience it and learn from it. This takes the balance of both feminine energy of being and the masculine energy of doing. This fullest expression of this balance is creation. So remember, it's important to keep a foot in 5D and a foot in 3D to fully unite the vibrations to pull humanity up higher.
10. Tune Into & Ask For Guidance From The Spirit Of Your Business / This Extension of Your Own Spirit
WHOOP! Did you know your business has it's own spiritual expression? And that it's an extension of your own energy field? This is part of what you're meant to create from your existence here in the earth plane. No matter what comes of it, it's the journey that matters. The process you move through is the point. The journey is the destination. Now what comes of the process is unknown, but when you're having challenges tune into the spirit of your business and ask: 'What Now?" or "What Do I Need to Know Today?" or "Is This the Direction that Feels Good?" You will certainly get an answer.
Remember, abundance comes in every form, not just financial security. You're here on earth so you're set to experience all of them, from innate mental health, harmony in relationships, financial and economic stability, connection, and so many more!
Your business is an expression of you and money is simply a bi-product of you following your passion and following through with what you chose to do before you incarnated on earth. This spirit/energy of your business is a good resource for immediate answers when you ask specific questions.
11. Look At What Your Personality Loves, Life Experience Up To This Moment, Passion, Excitement & Spirit When Deciding What to Choose To Do In Business
As I mentioned previously, many of us tend to try and follow our soul mission from a level of 5D only. But it's important to remember the spirits/humans you're assisting to raise in vibration/assist with their ascension still live in the 3D or are confused with navigating between the two frequencies. So although spiritual teachings are necessary, most of the time there needs to be a grounding aspect in teaching what you know... a 3D delivery system of your 5D assistance and knowledge. Through this combination, you are creating job titles that have never been heard of, specialities that are new to the world, and vocations that are one of a kind. You are forging the path for many to walk behind you. You are the guiding light.
Looking to your higher-self/liaison to your soul is required, but so is looking at your personality, your personal-reality and choosing your niche and/or speciality based on what you find interesting, what you're good at, what you've learned in life so far, etc.
For example, as an extension of high school, I attended The Marketing Academy, a school which taught me about business and marketing at a young age.... and it's peaked my interest ever since. In addition, my whole life I've been good at sorting information and organizing. I've also had a passion for helping people find peace and clarity in life and life situations. Also, since I had a career in law and law firm management, I learned how to manage and lead a team. This was the beginning steps to me becoming a leader. I also built a private investigation agency and worked as a private investigator which helped me learn to more about business building, discernment, become a neutral third-party observer, researching, gathering and organizing information, and so much more. Being an investigator also helped me learn how to exercise and increase my awareness of my intuition. I taught yoga, martial arts, and am an avid mind/body/spirit teacher. I've raised a daughter and was faced with adversity in many ways through my life. These are just a few of the experiences that have shaped my interests and personality over my lifetime.
Moving through all the memories of my life experience so far, I can find what interests my personality, my heart and my soul, and find what I truly love doing from a holistic view of myself. Doing this allows my soul expression to move through me as my purpose moves into alignment with my personality. From here, I work with ease, effortlessness, drive, and pure passion.
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