
Truth in Paradox

Jul 31, 2023

Nearly every Truth I've come across has been clouded in paradox. I say 'clouded' because it's not something I saw or noticed right away.

I'm not sure about you, but I have navigated through life being both a "black and white" thinker, and an "all shades of grey" thinker. 

In my younger years, I saw the world as a bright heavenly place full of opportunity and excitement. I relished each morning in the possibilities the day could bring. I knew there were many, and I was excited for all of it!

As I got older, my thoughts settled into more of a black or white way of thinking and thus, I created a more black and white world around me.

"Wrong or right, good or bad. It's "a good day or a bad day". Happy or sad...:

You see, there is a lot of "OR" in black and white thinking when really, life doesn't always include "OR", it actually includes more "ANDS". 

Every Truth I've come to, has "AND". 

Would you agree? We can be happy and sad, we can have a good day and a bad day. We can have a good moment and the next could be not so good. Heck, we can even have a bad moment that turned good. We can be wrong and right. We can have a challenging moment AND learn things with ease at the same time. We can be growing and frustrated. We can be loving and annoyed. 

I wanted to bring this up because for me, "black and white" talked myself into thinking that I was either in a good spot in life, or not. That life was either happening for me the way I wanted it to, or it wasn't going well. I learned that life never or rarely goes the way I want it to and it still goes well.

But life is a bunch of AND's...

This the main paradox I want to talk about today:

1. Accepting where we are right here, right now, so we will THEN move in a different direction.

What we resist, persists. 

When we find ourselves stuck, not going the direction we want to in life... it's because we are focusing on where we'd rather be. This leads us to rejecting the present moment and resisting the lessons we're meant to learn from it. 

The paradox here is that we are so focused on where we want to be, that we don't clearly see or fully experience where we are. So we want to be in a different spot. Thus we create more wanting. Wanting creates more wanting. 

What we focus on, grows.

So you ask, aren't we supposed to focus on what we want, not what we don't want? Yes, that is correct. 

Focus on what you want, but ALSO focus on where you are. Accept where you are right here and right now so the lessons from this moment can integrate into your soul and your spirit.

Do your best to live fully within the present moment. You are fully existing in a moment because there is something to learn from the moment, situation, or event. It's meant to make you stronger, wiser, and show you things you need to know so you're properly equipped for the next moment. 

May we all see the world as a bright heavenly place full of opportunity and excitement. And relish each morning in the possibilities the day could bring, there are so many possibilities, let's be excited for them all!

Even if we wake up and notice we're still where we didn't want to be. 

Remember, there is something to learn here. And all there is, is now. 

You will never move into a different moment. You move into the same moment differently.

Much love, 


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