Q: Do I have to have a niche? I have so many interests!
A: there is a specific collective who has a specific challenge and even if you haven’t found them yet, you signed up to help them long ago. You’re meant to do something big. Trust the timing
it’s always perfect.

You don't have to decide intellectually or go find who you're "meant to help", they have already chosen you and your job once you've discovered who they are, is to let them know you exist confidently. This is my definition of marketing.
Your niche is WHAT YOU DO, specifically. The problem(s) you help people solve. This will be the birthing place of your content and the basis for what you do on a consistent basis. Your niche helps you create the perimeters, boundaries, foundation, and the content for your avatar to find you.
Your avatar is WHO you help. A collective of people who need your specific help with a specific challenge or problem(s). When you talk to your avatar, you're talking to 1 person even though behind the scenes, you're helping and assisting an entire collective.

This collective could be 200,000 people and very specific like "I help single mom's find balance and learn to earn money while working online from home..." or, this collective could be 5 million or more. "I help men and women step into their power by changing their inner-dialogue and self-talk..."
Try not to guess, or stay too long in your head about your niche or your avatar. You already decided long before your were born what you would do here on earth and who and how you will help. You can't miss out on this as long as you're taking steps forward.
All of your life experience is a collection of the puzzle pieces and your niche will be a projection and understanding from your heart center. It will resonate with you through your soul.
Although your avatar has a specific challenge, they may have a collection of problems you can help them with and guide them through. It's not always "just one problem or challenge" although it could be.
WHAT YOU DO is a foundation of your energy, your knowledge, your life experience and your most authentic expression.
THE TOOLS & LANGUAGE/TERMINOLOGY you have access to help your avatar are the puzzle pieces you've gained throughout your time as a student in "earth school".
YOUR AVATAR, is going to resonate with the way you deliver information, your knowledge, your intellect, the language you use, your energy, your story, and your life experience. You're going to understand them in great detail. This is why you'll be successful at helping them navigate through their challenges, assisting them with solving their problem, and/or guiding them through a transformation.
The process is the point. It is not the start or the destination, it's the journey that is the purpose for where you are right now. The journey is where all the meaning and experiences lives. You'll always be on a beautiful journey. I find this inspiring and ever-present to stay within this space of the meaningful journey we're all on.
No matter where you're at in building your business and helping humanity in the ways you're most passionate about, the puzzle pieces will come together and create a big picture for you, and you'll be able to see clearly what you couldn't see before.
Fall in love with the process and fall in love with not knowing. Soon, the big picture will available for you to see. You're forging the path and you're creating momentum.
Stay inspired. With love,
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