
The 3rd Type of Thought Energy

thoughtenergy thoughts Jul 07, 2023

In my previous email and post I wrote about how thoughts create your reality. We went over the thoughts you attract and the thoughts you generate. 

In short, the thoughts you attract to you and your energy field stem from the vibration of your beliefs and your belief system. If you prefer to experience more positive thoughts, change what you believe about yourself, others, and about life. For example, if you believe life is always happening "to" you, and negative experiences are always dragging you down... this is exactly the reality you will create and experience. 

However, if you think life is always happening "for" you so you can learn, grow, and evolve and constantly be lifted up to your highest life path, this is exactly the reality you will create and experience.

Ultimately, the way you perceive the world and what you think about things will determine whether your experience is positive, neutral, or negative. For example, looking for the good in every situation and looking for the silver linings will transform your reality and life experience.

You're super powerful! It's all up to you!

To read that post, here is the link: https://www.loraperry.com/blog/your-beliefs-determine-the-thoughts-you-attract

This week, I want to educate you on the 3rd and final type of thought energy. Can you guess what it is...?



The 3rd type of thought energy is Divine Thought!

Divine thought can come in many forms, but the important thing to remember is that it has nothing to do with your vibrational frequency, your beliefs, or any train of thought. Essentially, it's thought-energy from your spirit guides, your intuition, your higher-self, messages from loved ones who've crossed to the other side of the veil, or other spiritual and energetic guides, angels and loving beings. 

Divine thought is always helpful, positive, insightful, uplifting and at times can be humbling and act as a catalyst in your every-day life. It can also be simple, beautiful, and a quiet whisper. Although divine thought is always being sent to you, you may not notice if you're not aware of it or open to receive. If your nervous system is on high alert or you experience an abundance of over-thinking, it can be tough to notice this type of thought energy. The key here is to quiet your mind as best as you can by using the tools you have learned in life so far.

How do you experience more divine thought energy? Simply ask your spirit guides to send you more of this energy, and you'll surely receive it! Wanting a sign from a loved one? Fill your heart with love and gratitude for this person and ask them for a sign. By filling your heart with love and gratitude, you raise your own vibrational frequency to better match theirs, and they're able to easier receive your request. 

Looking for guidance from your higher-self? Simply ask and stay open to receive. 

The top 3 keys to receiving divine thought are: 

1. Fill your heart with love and gratitude

2. Ask for divine thought energy and ask very specific questions

3. Quiet your mind and stay open to receive!

Stay inspired. With love, 

Lora Perry


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