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Lora Perry's Blog

Do I HAVE to have a Niche? avatar business business&spirituality niche spiritualbusiness Jun 22, 2023
Q: Do I have to have a niche? I have so many interests!
A: there is a specific collective who has a specific challenge and even if you haven’t found them yet, you signed up to help them long ago.  You’re meant to do something big. Trust the timing ā¯¤ļø¸ it’s always...
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Speak From YourĀ Heart in Life & In Business business Apr 24, 2023

I had this conversation with a member of our Master Mind Group (We'll call him Sam). What started the conversation is that his employee (we'll call him John) deeply cares about what he does for a living but is hit and miss on his success rate.

John creates deep and meaningful...

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