What if I told you abundance is all around you?
I used to think the only form of abundance was money. You know WHY I thought this? It's because over time, society teaches us to hyper-focus on this one and only form.
Then, I had more money than I needed but felt I lacked in other areas of my life like time, heathy relationships, and the ability to feel free. Talk about a roller-coaster ride!
Most of us are taught by society to hyper-focus on economic security. Although economic security and money is part of our society, there are also many more forms of abundance in the world that can support each of us in more ways than we're taught.
The truth is,
When we hyper-focus on only one type/form of abundance...
or when we expect abundance to look a certain way...
or we expect abundance to come to us in a specific form...
We close off all the other doors and types of abundance that are trying to reach us.
You see, we are always 100% abundant. We just get to choose what our own definitions of abundance are, and we get to choose what we desire to be abundant in.
Another good word for abundance, is support. And the universe is always sending you support in exactly the ways you need it. The question is, are you open to receiving it in each and every form?
Are you expecting it to look a certain way?
Although all forms of abundance are valid and support us equally, here are just a few forms of abundance I'd like to share with you today:
Abundance Form #1
Your imagination. Did you know your imagination is a creation tool your higher-self uses to communicate with your physical mind? Through your imagination, you can begin to perceive the reality you wish to live in. The more you focus on this reality you imagine, the faster it travels to you and the faster you travel to it. Remember, it may not end up exactly the way you're imagining it, but it will be exactly what you need and is often times more exciting and better than you could imagine.
Abundance Form #2
Trade, exchange, gifts, donations, and the gratitude of giving and receiving. This one is tricky when we're expecting something to come to us in a certain way. When we do this, we close off the doors to receive things in other ways. It's important to remember not to deny someone the gift of giving and helping another person. We're all connected and most people love to extend a hand, exchange goods & services, and experience love and gratitude when doing so.
Abundance Form #3
Harmony in human relationships. When we have good and harmonious relationships with others, we tend to have a good relationship with ourselves, and vice-versa. There is a loving feeling of reciprocation, support and connection when accepting abundance in this way. This form of abundance is highly under-rated and in my opinion, should be one we are taught to focus on more than economic security. Each of us have gifts, specialties, and offerings to share with each other and with the world. When we have harmony in human relationships, we all work together and help each other out in supportive, helpful, healthy, and caring ways. Through harmonious relationships, kindness, compassion, and heart-felt connections thrive and... love conquers all.
Until next time,
Stay inspired!
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