SoulPreneur Tip #10: Question your goals regularly!

Aug 21, 2024

I once heard a story about two dogs owned by the same owner. The dogs were of the same breed and the same age. One dog is a goal-getter, let's call him Rocco. Rocco loved to play fetch; throw the stick as far as you can and Rocco takes off after it, kicking mud, charging through the tall grass and will even dive into water to grab the stick and to proudly bring it back to his owner. Rocco will look up eyes wide open, panting, tongue hanging out anticipating the next throw so he can once again charge through the grass, dive into the water, collect the stick and start the process all over again. 

Have you ever felt like Rocco? Constantly chasing goals? I have. Until I found a better way for me.

Rod, his second dog is not goal oriented in this way. Instead, Rod sits under the shade tree enjoying the calm clear skies, and gets up every once and a while to walk a circle, check out the surroundings, grab a snack or a lick of water, then lays back down under the shade tree to soak up the sunny day. Rod has no interest in the stick whatsoever. He ignores it and promptly goes about his day.

It could be argued that Rocco is a goal-getter and successful and Rod is lazy... but that's not actually the case. Rocco uses goal setting to keep himself moving, motivated and doing. But he never gets anywhere besides the stick, the grass and the water. Repeat. Rod could care less about stick, he merely looks at it like it's useless. Rod is relaxed, peaceful, and still gets where he's going in life. He just uses a different method. What if this is Rod's goal? It must be.

Who is to say which is right or wrong?

You see, goal setting helps us stay motivated, helps us keep our eyes on our dreams and helps propel ourselves forward to achieve such dreams. 

But... what if we can get there without the repeated setting - achieving - setting - cycle? What if we can get there without stick chasing?

What if we can do something else instead? Or perhaps a combination of Rocco & Rod.

A goal keeps us focused, but what if we consciously observe "the stick" every day or rather - every moment - and decide if it's the one we want to run after right now, today, or at all?

Is there another, faster way to get to where you want to go? Is there a faster way to experience what it is you have your heart set on?

My most profound realization and insight when I heard this story is that sometimes, I can get where I want to be a lot faster by being more like Rod. Soaking up the shade on a sunny day. And to simply sit in the emotions and feelings of what it feels like be where I want to be.

But also, enjoying where I am, too. 

Sometimes, my goal is to not have any goals at all.

One time, I noticed I was chasing sticks and diving great depths in order to try and reach the goal of simplicity, peace, and rest.

Which all I had to do... was to quit chasing the stick and lay under the tree instead.

Take a moment and reflect to see what you might notice after reading the story above. Read it again and sit with it. Do you see something new? If so respond to [email protected] and share something new you saw. We love hearing your insights!

My final words this week are this... remember, you are not on this journey alone. We all have our own internal and external guidance and we all have each other. You have something to give which means there are others waiting to receive what you offer. And you have a community of fellow SoulPreneurs here to cheer you on. 

A big part of the journey is coming together as a community and fostering deep relationships. I know that has been an ongoing part of my travels. 

The past week for me was unusually challenging as overwhelming emotions came unexpectedly. It was stormy weather within for sure. But I kept thinking about my own goals, my own dreams, and what I want. Also about how I want to serve humanity. How do I want to help. What can I continue to offer that is truly aligned with my being? I wonder if you are asking the same questions.

The experience always leads me deeper within and back to gratitude. First that everything is temporary, especially the storms... and gratitude for you, our supporter. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being on this journey with me. 

The sky isn't the limit, there is no limit for any of us - not for you, not for me. 

Keep doing what it is you're guided to do and be who you're guided to be. You've got this!

Remember, we're all this together. 

See you soon.


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