"We are abundant in whatever we pay attention to. The first step to upgrading your abundance is to upgrade what you are paying attention to." - Alan Cohen

Welcome to SoulPreneur's Cafe! 

SoulPreneur's Cafe is group coaching for the spiritual entrepreneur.

If you're a lightworker or soulpreneur and you're ready to take your dreams to the next level with learning marketing, business, application and execution, this group-coaching is for you!

What makes Soulpreneur Cafe different from the rest?

Soulpreneur Cafe and all other products offered as part of the SoulPreneur’s Prosperity Academy are different in the sense of the spiritual aspect. Here, we live by a few principles:

We know everything is energy so many lessons are focused on the energetic concept of marketing and business. Although we take practical, actionable, and tangible steps, we look at business and marketing through a spiritual lens to support the new earth and the reality of our true energetic nature.

Many lessons are frameworks so you can learn marketing practices within principles and guidelines applicable to all markets and all businesses. With that said, we also dive deep into what works best for you and your business. There is no one-sized-fits-all business method, marketing method, or business model. We focus on what is best for you and your life, in a way that is satisfying and fun for you as it contributes to your overall prosperity, happiness, purpose, abundance and heart-centered alignment.

 "Here, we Learn from the outside-in and apply from the inside-out." - Lora Perry

We also stay up-to-date on the expansion and evolution of humanity. Marketing, although some principles are fixed, humanity as a whole constantly evolves... allowing this to be a deep, loving and transformative experience with our collective of humanity and service at the forefront as we elevate in ascension and depth of being.

As a teacher, I focus on teaching you how to tune into your own internal guidance when it comes to taking the next step in your business. Although there are underlying principles in the online and brick and mortar spaces, it’s important to tune into your own guidance and your higher self for direction. No one can know what is best for you without you looking and feeling within. Luckily, this supportive space and energetic container is guidance for everyone when it comes to hearing new ideas, concepts and possibilities. At the end of the day, you get to tune into what works for your heart and soul. 

Along side many other spiritual entrepreneurs who are bringing their new product, services, and businesses to aid humanity and contribute to their own spiritual growth.

I also focus on guidance through the unfolding of this adventure of allowing the business and marketing journey to be a tool for spiritual expansion and spiritual growth. It’s a journey in itself; not only for your internal world, but for humanity as well.

All of this said, as a teacher and a coach, I know there is a time for practical steps, application, and focused action to progress your business to new heights. There is also a time for exploration, diving deeper into the experience in a treasure hunt kind of way to pull out the golden nuggets that carry you to your next energetic point within your personal journey.

This space, is a place where we blend both the doing and the being into a beautiful mixture of presence, practicality, and the dance of creation.

If you consider yourself a new-earth way maker, responding to the call of the hero's journey to create new businesses, new structures, and new supportive systems for the new earth, then you're in the right place. 


Join our bi-weekly 1-hour Zoom meetings to start or continue your marketing and business education.

Dates/times for the next few upcoming call dates (members only): 

September 5, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST/ 6:30 EST

September 19, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST/ 6:30 EST

October 10th, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST/ 6:30 EST

November 7th, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST /6:30 EST

November 21st, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST /6:30 EST

December 5th, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST /6:30 EST

December 19th, 2024 @ 3:30 PM PST /6:30 EST

Please sign up below or login to your account to access all membership benefits and LIVE call information.

SoulPreneur's Cafe



  • Live, bi-weekly group Monthly Meetings via Zoom
  • Inspiring & Supportive Community
  • Private online social group (not a facebook group)
  • Access to All SoulPreneur Cafe Call Recordings
  • Access to ongoing tools & resources
  • Subscription to The Final Phoenix Podcast
  • Subscription to Your 'Weekly SoulPreneur Tip' delivered to your inbox
  • Exclusive Content
Join today for $49 month

SoulPreneur's Cafe



  • Save 15% with this yearly subscription!
  • Live, bi-weekly group Monthly Meetings via Zoom
  • Inspiring & Supportive Community
  • Private online social group (not a facebook group)
  • Access to All SoulPreneur Cafe Call Recordings
  • Access to ongoing tools & resources
  • Subscription to The Final Phoenix Podcast
  • Subscription to Your 'Weekly SoulPreneur Tip' delivered to your inbox
  • Exclusive Content
Join today for $499 year