Ready to stop struggling and start thriving? Discover how SoulPreneurs like you are building successful, spirit-led businesses—and how you can too.

"This course is a MUST to get started as a soulprenuer. You'll save years of making mistakes..."
- Victoria Davitashvili

What is the SoulPreneur's Prosperity Intensive?

When I first began teaching business and marketing in a group setting, I responded to high demand by compiling my knowledge into a comprehensive program for a small group of SoulPreneurs. This course was designed to provide the foundational marketing steps necessary to build their businesses.

These dedicated SoulPreneurs committed to learning this step-by-step process and offered detailed feedback after the program.

Over 90 days, we connected live on Zoom twice a week, guiding them through this intensive journey.

The course you're about to explore includes all the recordings from this 90-day intensive, where I led these wonderful students through the transformative process.

Below, you'll find their reviews of the program, followed by my insights.

Interviews with our Students about this Program


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Are You Tired of Feeling Stuck and Overwhelmed?

Building a business shouldn’t feel like you’re endlessly spinning your wheels. Yet, so many entrepreneurs find themselves trapped in frustration, unsure how to move forward.

Perhaps you’ve realized that what you’re building feels more like a “job” than a business that fulfills and excites you.

Maybe your efforts feel random, unfocused, and lacking the strategic direction needed to see real progress and profits.

And then there’s the challenge of confidence—whether it’s stepping into your role as a leader, creating a product, or mastering the sales process. The uncertainty can be overwhelming.

Time is passing, and despite all your hard work, you’re not seeing the financial results you deserve.

If any of this resonates, you’re not alone. These are the very struggles that hold back so many passionate SoulPreneurs.

Introducing the SoulPreneurs Prosperity Intensive

After hearing the struggles of many aspiring SoulPreneurs, I knew there was a need for a clear, actionable path to success. That’s why I created the SoulPreneurs Prosperity Intensive—a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to help you build a prosperous, soul-aligned business. Over 90 days, you'll receive focused education, strategic guidance, and the support needed to overcome the obstacles holding you back and turn your passion into a thriving enterprise.

Hi, I'm Lora!

Although there are many facets to me (and to all of us) I'm a business and marketing coach catering to Soulpreneurs and Lightworkers. Having multiple businesses myself, I have been practicing the art of business for decades. I continue to learn and share what I learn in the field of business and marketing as humanity and society evolves. 

We all want to live and maintain a prosperous and abundant lifestyle, and that's what I love to help people do. And to help them step into their life's work and cheer them on as they align with their truest self, their best self, and to see them shine their glory into everything they create, especially their business.

One very important thing for business owners to know is that we are evolving into a new frequency, many things are changing. And I'm happy to share what we learn and apply here at the academy to transition with an evolving humanity. 

As we continue to evolve, there will be collectives of us who create the new products, programs, structures and systems for the new earth.

It's with your creations that will bring in this new support system for humanity.

Every one of our soulpreneur journeys will be specific and unique to our own path. I continuously remind my students that even though we are all on a collective journey, we all have individual, unique journeys for ourselves as well. Because of this, there is no one-sized-fits all business or marketing plan.

That said, I've continued to note the principles of business and marketing that have not changed. In the world of marketing and business, they tend grow deeper and evolve but the concepts themselves have not yet changed.

That's what I love to share and continue to share in this course and in my work as a spiritual entrepreneur and coach. 



No Matter Where You Are on Your Journey, This Course is for You

Whether you're just starting out, have a product but no plan, or lack marketing experience entirely, this course is designed to guide you. From creating a clear, actionable strategy to launching with confidence, the SoulPreneurs Prosperity Intensive equips you with the tools to connect the dots, gain clarity, and move forward with a powerful, cohesive plan.


What You’ll Discover in This Transformative Course:

From finding your niche and building a soul-aligned foundation to creating your products and mastering client attraction, this course covers everything you need to confidently build and grow your business.

  • Structured Learning: New content and lessons dripped every week.
  • Live Student Examples: Learn from real student experiences in the live recordings.
  • Deep, Practical, and Spiritual Teachings: Bring your best business forward.

This course is separated into 9 modules consisting of:


Find Your Niche. Activate your focus and learn to impact humanity from your genius.


Define Your Avatar. Get to know who you're serving on an intimate and honest level so you can connect to the heart of who you're serving.


Create Your Offer. Create a clear and unique offer that makes you stand out in the market place and attract clients from a space of being in service to humanity.


Purge the Possibilities. Dig deep into your soul and bring your creativity to life to create your first real product. 


Create Your Product. Organize your idea, infuse your creative energy and bring your product to life.


Master Your Content. Create the content that will make you stand out, be heard, and resonate with those you're serving. 


Build Relationships. Create the nurture sequences and relationships necessary to build clientele.


Lead magnets. Create small solutions to attract big clients.


Learn ethical sales. Create an ethical sales system that feels good, which serves you and those you help.

Unlock the Potential of Your Soul-Aligned Business with the SoulPreneurs Prosperity Intensive

This program offers a powerful combination of practical strategies and deep spiritual insights to help you overcome barriers and achieve remarkable growth. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to elevate your existing business, this course provides a step-by-step roadmap to clarity, confidence, and success. Experience profound transformations in your business and life as you join a community of driven SoulPreneurs committed to making a lasting impact.

Take the Leap—Transform Your Business and Life Today!

Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck or unclear. The SoulPreneurs Prosperity Intensive is your path to a prosperous, soul-aligned business. Join now and start your journey toward clarity, confidence, and success. Click the button below to enroll and begin your transformation!


Is the 90-Day Intensive Right for You?

This course is perfect if you're ready to stop guessing and start building your business with a clear, proven system. If you’re dedicated to your soulpreneur journey and want to move beyond limitations, this program provides the structure, detailed instructions, and step-by-step guidance you need to create a solid foundation. It’s designed for those who are ready to tune out the noise, focus on what truly matters, and nurture their business to full bloom.

What Students Are Saying: 

Graduating students of this course, on average, reported that they would value this education at an impressive $14,000. They recommended pricing the live version at $10,200 and suggested $2,199 for the pre-recorded version. You can visit the Case Study below to read their full reviews.

"This course is the best investment you will make! It will save you money, time, and will teach you to become a true business owner with systems rather than just learning to create a job you hate."

- Velia Hernandez

Vicki Davitashvili

"If you're struggling with kickstarting your career as a soulpreneur, then this course is a MUST... This program is the perfect blend of being and doing, spirituality and practical tools to launch a comprehensive program that serves thousands while enabling you to step into the most abundant version of you! I tried so many other programs, and this one finally helped me go from confused to clear."

Angelique Corneliusen

"I began this course with a vague concept of what I wanted to do for people. I didn't even have the confidence in my own abilities to think I could accomplish this goal. My program was nonexistent and very much in the nebulas realms. in the first class, Lora specifically states that if you follow her steps and do the work in the program you will complete it with a high ticket product. Not only did Lora deliver on this promise, but she supports you each moment you are on the path. I have never felt so supported and so encouraged as I have in this class..."

Velia Hernandez

"After investing thousands of dollars into other business programs, only finding that I'm still missing pieces on how to get my program built and market my unique business, I was blessed to come across Lora's program where I started my true journey as a business owner rather than my business owning me and being enslaved to it...."

Hattie James

"This program has truly been a game-changer for my SoulPreneur journey. It has elevated my skills and understanding, empowering me to move forward with confidence and clarity in my business endeavors...."

Chrissy Lax

"This course changed my life! Before this course, I had no clue where to start. And I didn’t feel worthy of doing this…I mean who would listen to me?? What do I know?? But Lora changed all that!! She was able to see me…she saw me and my potential…this was the first time I’ve ever had that!!! ... It’s a life-changing course and I am so blessed to have been a part of it!!"

Case Study

"Still not sure? Explore our detailed case study and see what elseSoulPreneurs have to say here."





Join the 90-Day SoulPreneur Prosperity Intensive and gain access to everything you need to build a successful, soul-aligned business:

  • The 90-Day SoulPreneur Prosperity Intensive Course: Step-by-step guidance through every phase of your journey.
  • Membership to the SoulPreneur Online Community: Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs for support and inspiration.
  • Weekly SoulPreneur Academy News: Stay informed with the latest updates, tips, and resources delivered directly to your inbox.

Take the leap today and start your journey to prosperity and fulfillment! 



If you aren’t completely satisfied with the 90-Day Prosperity Intensive Course, let us know within the first 30-days for a full refund. No questions asked.

P.S. This isn’t just another course—it’s a life-changing journey to help you build the business and life you truly desire. On average, graduating students valued the live version of this program at over $14,000, but today and the pre-recorded version for $2,199. Today, you can get this course for a fraction of the total value. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your future success at a fraction of the cost. Your prosperous, soul-aligned business is just a step away!


Get started on your soulpreneur journey today.

Join Now