Coach & Therapist Wendy Blum | Episode 19

Season #3

Wendy Blum is a compassionate coach and therapist based in Bellingham, Washington, who primarily dedicates her work to university students navigating the social and emotional intricacies of ADD, ADHD, and Autism.

She illuminates the importance of focusing on our strengths rather than dwelling on what we might consider our flaws, reassuring us that, contrary to our beliefs, we are whole and unbroken.

Our conversation offers invaluable insights for anyone dealing with a restless, busy mind or the challenges of ADD, ADHD, or Autism. Wendy guides us through understanding the busyness of our minds, helping us recognize that we are not our thoughts but merely observers of them. This realization allows us to detach and find humor even in our most entangled thoughts, emphasizing that our experiences and thoughts are fleeting. When we can recognize and really see that we’re experiencing our thinking, we can step back and laugh about it, even in the midst of a serious story-line.

In this episode Wendy shares a beautiful, and heart-felt story of her first big insight when she dropped out of her own intellect and saw from a distance that she was feeling her own thinking. Where she realized the cosmic joke of always scaring herself. Which most of us do far too often.

Wendy's beautiful stories, inquisitive detail, knowledge and perspective on ADD, ADHD, and Autism can help us change how we’re looking at life - and at ourselves. Especially when we get into our content and our thinking. Even if you've never been diagnosed with ADD or any various label, this conversation can help you understand those you love and care about, and you!

Wendy and I also talk about the art of coaching as we are both 3-Principles based coaches who have infused the art of the principles into how we help and assist our clients. We talk about how we look for the well-being in our clients, and notice how healthy they are. This type of focus on "higher-vibrational" thinking creates a space for our clients to see the health and well-being in themselves, too. So if you're a coach, this episode shines light on some of our most impactful practices.

We share stories of our own ADD diagnosis and how that affected us early on. In addition Wendy talks about one of the top struggles she finds in ADD or ADHD: time-blindness and how this affects our social and emotional well-being and abilities to do certain things. We go into detail on how this brings specific challenges to her clients. 

Lastly, we talk about acceptance for ourselves, our strengths, and although we can notice our weaknesses, we don’t need to judge ourselves for what we see or perceive as a shortcoming. We can accept it, and be ourselves. The world needs more of us to be ourselves. The world needs you to be you!

As always, I thank Wendy for her profound and continued service to humanity. She is graciously serving the generations who will soon be the leaders in our communities. The service she’s giving and the knowledge she’s providing to her clients will no doubt stay with them through the ages and will be shared with others. Understanding how human beings are built, and how we work, is one of the best gifts one can give because then, we truly find our true power.

-Lora Perry

Learn more about her offerings and programs at

Thank you again Wendy, for your service to humanity.

Warm Wishes,
