Your online home for guidance, support and inspiration.

Welcome to the Lightworkers Lounge! Experience Group Soul-Coaching!


Take your life experience to the next level...with these monthly live calls!

The Lightworker's Lounge is like a group clarity call. We create a space for wisdom, new thoughts, insight and clarity to come to everyone who attends.

We don't change or see new insights, information, or transformational ah-ha! moments when we stir in the intellect. This kind of transformational change comes from the space UNDERNEATH the intellect, where our true essence lives. 

This group setting and the calls offer a shift of the mind and the heart. 

Everything we know is already is already inside of us. We just forget how to look there. That's what this space is for.

There are only 3 spiritual principles that make up who we are and how we work as human beings. They are so simple, and so profound, that we often contaminate the simplicity with intellect.

This space I'm showing you and guiding you to for more exploration is underneath the intellect. 

So let's talk about these 3 principles... 

The first we call Universal Mind really for a lack of a better word for it; we try and describe it as best as we can. 

Universal mind is universal intelligence. It's the ultimate trust that there is a divine orchestra happening within us and all around us at all times. This means that we are always supported, we are always taken care of, and we are always shown exactly what we need to know when we need to know it. 

A tree doesn't have to try hard to grow, it simply grows. You, me, and all of us are a part of this universal mind; we are not separate from it. Which means we have the same support system as the tree and we don't have to try to absorb all the beautiful rays of sunlight. We just do.  

Next, I'll tell you about Universal Consciousness. We all have our own independent consciousness levels but we can all join in on universal consciousness at any time. This is why many say we think we are the drop of ocean water, but we are really the entire ocean. Universal consciousness is such a peaceful, beautiful and pristine space. None of our earthly worries exist in this space. It's a high level of consciousness where we are the eagle flying above seeing everything from a new point of view. In fact, when we are of high consciousness, we attract "higher vibrational thoughts". Indeed, our personal level of consciousness determines the thoughts we attract and entertain. 

Think of it like an elevator with a glass wall looking out over the busy city. Each level you climb you get an entirely new view of the landscape around you. Before you know it, you're not experiencing the hustle and bustle of the loud city anymore. Instead, you're experiencing the snow capped mountains in the distance, the billowing clouds, the birds flying by and when you look down, you have a birds eye view of all that's happening below you. You're not in it, you're above it. You are of the world, not in it. Those below you however, are bustling around all the commotion, hailing taxis, sitting in traffic and speed walking down the sidewalk to catch the next bus. 

You, however, having ridden the elevator to the top floor luxury restaurant, are now breathing the fresh air far above all the buildings. You're listening to the soft classical music, breathing in the soft scent of soft flowers, vanilla and candlelight. Here, you get to order anything and everything you want. It's your birthright.

Through the window you continue to enjoy the view of the snow capped mountains and soak in the view of the waves slowly disappearing as they reach the soft sand. 

Your thoughts are different here. This is the experience of high consciousness. Your true nature exists here. It's who you really are. 

Which leads us to talk about the last principle. Universal Thought. Universal thought is a gold mine of all the thoughts you do want to have. The guided thoughts, the simple thoughts, the feel-good thoughts, and the thoughts that work like an insight - a sight you see within you that changes your entire world. Have you ever just had a random thought and you're not quite sure where it came from? It was out of the blue? You're not sure if it was a thought or wisdom, but it shook you? This is universal thought. And it's available to you readily when you're enjoying the view of the snow capped mountains in the distance. 

It's these 3 principles that we explore in the lightworker's lounge. 

So to finalize this message, the Lightworker's Lounge is for everyone at any part of their journey when they're interested in experiencing themselves in a new way; their true way. Their true nature of peace, joy, and clarity. 

You don't have to be an entrepreneur to join us. It's open to all. We encourage your attendance and to invite those you love into the experience. 

Much love, 


Live webinars are held via Zoom the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. PST!

Lightworker's Lounge Silver



  • Live Monthly Zoom Meeting
  • Inspiring & Supportive Community
  • Private online social group
  • Access to all monthly recordings
  • Exclusive Workshop & Event Rates
  • Subscription to The Final Phoenix Podcast
  • Subscription to Your 'Weekly SoulPreneur Tip' delivered to your inbox
  • 20% off discount code on products under $500
Join today for $11 month

Lightworker's Lounge Gold



  • Save 16.6% with this Yearly Subscription!
  • Live Monthly Zoom Meeting
  • Inspiring & Supportive Community
  • Private online social group
  • Access to all monthly recordings
  • Exclusive Workshop & Event Rates
  • Subscription to The Final Phoenix Podcast
  • Subscription to Your 'Weekly SoulPreneur Tip' delivered to your inbox
  • 40% off discount code on products under $500
Join today for $111 year

Upcoming Call Dates: 

September 3, 2024 at 10:00 AM PST

October 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM PST

November 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. PST

December 3, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. PST

Lightworker's Lounge is a space where miracles happen and internal mountains are moved – some dramatic with immediate breakthroughs and some slow and steady. Either way, they’re one of the best ways I’ve found to share our true nature as human beings, our true nature as a spirit having a human experience, and what it means to live from the inside out. All in a  community built around love, understanding, silliness, compassion and true authenticity…

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

  • Live and interactive monthly live zoom webinar where you can ask me anything about what it takes to become aware of your brilliance on a conscious level. You’ll also have access to the recordings of all the classes!
  • The Lightworker's Lounge discount is a simple way of saying “thank you” to our members, but has become one of the most used and appreciated features of the membership.
  • Silver members save 20% on programs under $500, Gold members save 40% on programs under $500 + get a 1-on-1 60 minute clarity call with Lora (available for a limited time only).
  • An online social group exclusive to the lightworkers lounge members to connect and explore with like minded people all over the world.

"There is always nowhere to go, you are already home. You are always already home."

-Ramana Maharshi