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SoulPreneur Tip #7: Do This When You're Feeling Stuck

Jul 31, 2024

Welcome to your Weekly SoulPreneur Tip!

SoulPreneur Tip #7:

When You're Feeling Stuck, Do This.

Many soulpreneurs I talk to are trying hard to move to the next level in their business.

They're trying to do things right.

Trying to make the right moves.

Planning. Organizing. Thinking. Strategizing. Thinking More.

Here's what you do instead of all that intellectual work:

First, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself: what is the best experience I can imagine? Tune into that situation or experience that brings you love, joy, excitement, or passion.

Here's why this is extremely important: This high vibrational energy is guidance from your higher self, which is always guiding you to your highest timeline and your greatest life.

This high-vibe energy is direct communication from your higher self to "go this way".

That's why it feels so good!

Secondly, ask yourself, your intuition, internal or external guidance: "what is the next simple step for me to get there?"

Now, this is also very important because we're not talking about an A-Z strategy, a 3-part system or a group of any steps. We are looking only for 1 simple, very simple action you can take.

As soon as you think you've come up with the most simple action, break it down even further to a simpler action.

Truth lives in simplicity.

After you take this very simple step, you will be shown the next very simple step, and so on.

This puts you on your highest life path.. meaning, a journey towards your best life experience and in alignment to achieve that experience you aligned yourself with energetically in the first part of this exercise or, most often times something even better! Because although our personal minds can give us indicators of what truly lights us up, universal mind and your soul has an even better plan for you far beyond what we are capable of imagining for ourselves. So, take all of those happy, joyful, passion-filled feelings you tuned into and imagine them being even bigger.

Because you're now on your way there.

Much love and happy traveling.


p.s. Our next monthly Lightworker's Lounge Zoom call is August 6 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST. and we'd love to have you as a part of our heart-felt community where you'll receive positive vibes, support, and guidance for your journey moving forward. Check it out and hope to see you there!

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