
What's The Importance of Branding My Business?

branding Jun 25, 2023
A few years ago I was helping our 2 martial arts schools get on the same page. They had 2 different logos, no specific colors, no specific fonts.... They felt like 2 totally different schools. Even their business facebook pages had 2 different cover photos and profile images. There was no feel, awareness, or connection of a multi-location business.
In fact, the businesses lacked the foundational spirit and sense of self all successful businesses have these days - individually and as 1 company.
The schools are run by 2 very different energies/managers, and they service 2 very different communities, but there were things we could do so our customers would recognize that we had 2 locations they had access to, and begin to build trust, consistency, and that emotional bond and recognition with our students and potential customers.
βœ… We chose 1 logo for both schools
βœ… We chose 1-3 fonts and 1-3 colors to use consistently that inspired our customers and team members
βœ… We made sure our curriculum and programs were consistent in both schools
βœ… We use the same layouts for our school announcements and post them at the same time
βœ… We make sure both schools are decorated the same for every holiday
βœ… Our lobby's have the same set-up with coffee, teas, our bulletin boards and our community posting areas
βœ… Our processes are the same for both schools as far as training, creating long-term students, etc.
βœ… We're working on solidifying and streamlining our processes and procedures for both schools
βœ… We completed a company mission statement
βœ… We chose 1 tagline for the company depicting what we do and what an AKMA black belt is at our schools.
βœ… The big messages we send to our students and families have their own personality in their delivery
βœ… Our brand has a voice of it's own and our writing to nurture our students and customers is unique and consistent
βœ… And so much more...!
Branding our martial arts businesses meant we want people to identify us right away when seeing our posts, and to feel safe, educated, enlightened, intrigued, inspired, and excited when they interact with us. We want them to talk about our business to their friends, loved ones and acquaintances. We want them to excitedly talk about what they learn and how much fun they have being a part of our community. As a multi-employee business, our team personality is dedicated, determined, self-disciplined, expansive, empowered, creative, and FUN! We aim to create the role-models and leaders of tomorrow through persistence, integrity, fierceness and resilience.
AS A SOLO Business, your brand personality is just as important so you become recognizable to your customers and potential customers. There is so much content coming at people 24/7 through social medias. Your consistency and unique look will be appreciated by those looking for your services.
As an entrepreneur, Your BRAND is your VIBE. Your brand is the foundational spirit of your business. You MUST brand your business before you market or advertise. Branding & Marketing go hand-in-hand.
Remember, branding makes people FEEL something. Marketing makes people DO something about the problem their trying to fix for themselves.
You can create content, but if you want to be recognizable and create a memorable emotional relationship with your prospects, BRAND your business. 1 location, 10+ locations, or ONLINE only, the importance of branding applies no matter what type of business you have. 
Branding is the physical soul-expression and platform you build your business upon. It screams consistency, organization, trust, dependability and it gives that emotional feel of safety and the energetic essence of the service you're providing. 
I love using analogies and visuals to change how us conscious business creators think about these "over-used and tainted words" like marketing, sales, branding, advertising, etc.
There are spiritual and energetic definitions for each of these words so I like to break them down and shine new light on what these things really mean to those of us fulfilling our passions and helping others THROUGH our passions.
BRANDING: "the emotional soul essence and foundation for which you build your passion upon in order to become easily recognizable, memorable, organized, and dependable. Branding catches people eyes through consistency and they notice when you show up. It starts from the ground up, and your branding is the grounding your business needs. It evolves with you."
Your branding may not be perfect right away. In fact, it will likely evolve just as you do and always be a progressive work in progress. But you can start with a few basics like color and font choices to start streamlining your appearance on the web.
- Lora Perry

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