SoulPreneur Prosperity Intensive Program Case Study


Q: How is this course different from anything else you've tried in the past?

  • This course stands out from my previous experiences due to Lora's exceptional coaching skills. Her teaching surpasses many classes I've taken, broadening my thoughts and capabilities. The course instilled self-confidence in me. It truly transformed my learning experience and empowered me in ways I hadn't encountered before.
  • It's structured in a way that addresses everything I needed to build my product and sell it, rather than just focusing on limited ways to market myself by making connections on social media. It helped me formulate my own program rather than covering general points on program development and then moving on to selling it. The energy I received from Lora was hopeful and reassuring that it was all going to work out in the end.
  • This is a difficult question because this course was SO different for me. I have taken other courses that have had a focus on business training for spiritually based business owners, but none have compared to the focus and alchemy that this class facilitated within me. looking back at the place energetically that i was in during the first week of class to seeing what energy frequency i am in now that the class has completed, just screams a world of difference. This class delivered when it comes to a clear difference in the before and after, as often promised in so many other classes but not delivered on. 
  • It was the perfect blend of being and doing. The content was a hybrid of spiritual teachings while also focusing on practical applications and tools to create an actual program/product. The second, and equally important, aspect of the program is that it was instructor led on a weekly basis, where I didn't need to flounder in a sea of content just to drown in not knowing what I was doing.
  • Lastly, I loved the bonds and connections we made in the class, which made showing up twice a week for 2.5 hours an absolute pleasure. I hardly have any time in my day, but I always made time for this class. It was sacred to me. 
  • It made me dig down deep and actually think about what I am meant to do it was a life changing experience.

Q: After completing this program, how do you think it helped your development as a coach, practitioner, healer, lightworker etc.? please explain?

  • This program has truly transformed my approach as a coach and healer. It has elevated my skills and deepened my understanding, allowing me to serve others with increased confidence and insight. Lora's guidance has been instrumental in shaping my practice and expanding my impact as a coach and healer. The structured homework and outcomes have sharpened my abilities, honed my techniques and empowered me to serve others more effectively. Overall, this program has been a pivotal step in my development, equipping me with the necessary tools to excel in my roles.
  • I feel like I have more direction and like I'm more of a leader / coach. I have knowledge on how to see the program I've developed more about the client than it is about me, which I puts me in the exact role I wanted to be in when I became a coach, which is helping others. I am able set the push and pull of the forces related to money and doubts in myself to the side and come to a deeper understanding of my purpose and my role as a coach.
  • This class helped my development in every way. as a practitioner, it helped me to clearly focus and execute items, turning thoughts into reality. as a healer, I was able to laser focus my skill set in a manor that will better help my clients. As a light worker this class helped to shine and grow my light to a level that I had not even thought about before, it helped me to see a bigger picture and where I will play a role in the assistance of those souls that are ascending.
  • Most importantly, it helped me understand whom I can help NOW. However, I know I can expand from this point and help even more people in the future. This gave me my starting point at least. I went from floundering to found (LOL!). Seriously, I went from floundering to clear.
  • I actually have a program now!!! Before I had no clue what the hell I was doing

Q: After completing this program, how do you think it will help you moving forward along your SoulPreneur/Business journey?

  • This program has truly been a game-changer for my SoulPreneur journey. It has elevated my skills and understanding, empowering me to move forward with confidence and clarity in my business endeavors. With Lora's guidance, I feel more equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come. The structured tasks and outcomes have honed my abilities and provided me with the tools to create a business that resonates with my soul's purpose. Overall, this program has been a catalyst for my growth and success as a SoulPreneur, setting me on a path towards fulfilling my entrepreneurial dreams.
  • I will be able to help more people and pets by having a strategic system in my messaging, program developments, and marketing. I know who my target audience is now and I feel that I can now save time on who to target, what information to share with them, and how to help them. 
  • Moving forward i now have the tool set and resources available, that i have printed, to be able to reference as my journey unfolds. when it is time to put out an email campaign as an example, i can refer back to week 10 as well as look at my notes and see the email examples that were given during class, to guide me. Not only do i have the physical materials available to me but the wonderful friendships and bonds created during class will help as an added line of support. if i need to bounce an idea off of someone who also has gone through the same training, it is helpful because they understand what goals are trying to be reached and can therefore give accurate feedback.
  • I have a roadmap, and I'm piloting it with several students. While I don't truly know where this will lead me, I have faith that it will lead me closer to what I am, and closer to helping those in need of what I can offer.
  • I finally have clarity on where I am going and I’m so excited!!

Q: What was your absolute biggest takeaway from the course?

  • The main thing I learned from the course was realizing my capability to teach others and that everything will fall into place. I've understood the importance of allowing myself to show up without overthinking, which is usually a challenge for me. It's all about trusting in my abilities and embracing the journey without getting caught up in having to see the bigger picture and we are never ready. We must trick our ego.
  • How to remain flexible (rather ran rigid or perfect) with learning the system so it can be applied to any other business idea.
  • The biggest take away from this course is that- it is the most frightening things that have the biggest pay off. when we were doing out 3 products in week 2 of class and you stated that the one we fear the most would be our product, this terrified me. i was scared because i knew at a core level if i had not alchemized these things within me absolutely completely, how could i ever possibly hope to help someone else with it. i was tested and faced my fear of having any cracks in the foundations that i had built. in my case the fear of even looking was so great, but what i discovered was not only this product was hiding there but so much more was wanting to come forth and be shared with people, Many, many icebergs melted.
  • Start....NOW - Know who your avatar is. Who is this person? Know that person intimately. - Be of service by being you. - I don't have to be in every single marketing channel to be "successful". Do what feels natural and easy - If the inspiration came to me, then someone in the world needs to be taught this. - Self doubt is just thoughts. I can change my thoughts. I choose what I think. Just as I can think negative thoughts, I can choose to think positive thoughts. - Do something (no matter how small) every single day. - It's ok not to know. Allow your higher self to reveal it to you through your excitement, or creative hits.
  • Finally narrowing down my niche

Q: What were your 3 biggest transformations/before and after states? 

  • 1) Realizing my capability to teach others and that everything will fall into place. I have so many avatars I am capable of presenting, teaching, and making a future for myself. 2) Understanding the lingo niche, avatar, products, marketing etc. 3) Coming together as strangers, preparing together, coaching and empowering each other, and truly becoming great friends with likeminded people.
  • 1. Before I had too tight of a grip on my program / product, after state was I allowed it come through me . 2. I was terrified and didn't know how or what to do next (freeze state) of all the processes in marketing and now I'm just nervous / scared but know exactly what to do. 3. Before I was clueless and now I feel like a professional
  • My avoidance of public speaking, recording was overcome my resistance to sharing knowledge with others was overcome, so instead of thinking, oh they don't want to hear this i found that there are some things that i can find an audience who are receptive for. my resistance to doing collaborations with others. i have spent a ;lifetime working as a solitary practitioner in a tight small group but this class helped me to expand my boundaries, while they were required for the time they were in place, now i am free to share and be shared in the interest of uplifting humanity.
  • From overwhelmed to "it's actually doable" From confused to clear (who I'm serving) From self doubt to self empowered
  • Omg so many!!! Before-I had no clue where I was going or what I was doing now complete clarity!!! I had unworthiness blocks and money blocks now-I KNOW I’m worthy and I KNOW I’m worth being payed! Before-I didn’t know where to start. Now-I actually have a program!!!

Q: If you had as much time as you wanted, how long do you think you would have spent to go through the course?

  • If I had all the time in the world, I would have easily spent a tremendous amount of time going through the course. As a dedicated student, I know I could have delved deep into the material and really absorbed every detail at my own pace. I value taking the time to truly grasp the concepts and apply them to my journey. It's all about immersing myself fully in the learning experience to make the most out of it.
  • Before taking the course, I would have wanted 6 months to go through it (maybe even a year if I didn't have a product). After taking the course, I'm glad it wasn't that long. 90-95 or 100 days is perfect.
  • This course was packed with information and activities, at my own leisure i would have taken the class over a period of 9 months to a year. i appreciated the being kept on point. the whole class i felt like i was chronically a week behind, but that's just the brain lag on solidifying concepts for me.
  • At least 6 months. This course was intense. It felt like 3 courses (Avatar, content, selling), and at some points I was just overwhelmed with the amount I was learning and also needed to do. So I fell behind quite a few times. I'd work to catch up, but I was constantly catching up, not really in lock step. With a family and a full-time job, it's A LOT!!! BUT ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!!!
  • 6 months

Q: Is there anything you would REMOVE from the course?

  • Not one thing to remove.
  • No
  • No -if anything i would add more time to a few of the weeks. as an example, I would have liked to go over sales a little longer.
  • Absolutely not. I'd just go slower.
  • Not really…I didn’t really find the content creation sheets helpful but I know others did

Q: Is there anything you would ADD to the course?

  • I feel there were a couple of sessions we truly needed more time to go over; however, we had very talkative ones in class. I think it will naturally flow depending on the individual or group it’s being presented to.
  • Maybe more time for Q&A on Thursdays (condense the slides a little for more time). I believe the information you shared with us about your fears in offering this course (and creating it) was extremely helpful and I hope you consider leaving it in as a part of the course. I also think having examples of the content master framework and key resource worksheet filled in by light workers (or any soft business) would be helpful for future students so they can model those.
  • New to these concepts i would say no however, we don't know what we don't know so there may be things that could be added. this business aspect is new to me and there will always be learning and growing going on.
  • More on "how to get the first customer, the first beta client/group". I'm still struggling with that, but trying to apply what I learned.
  • Maybe a little more help with the technology lol

Q: What would you say to someone who is considering taking this course?

  • This program has truly been a game-changer for my SoulPreneur, life coach, healer journey. It has elevated my skills and understanding, empowering me to move forward with confidence and clarity in my business endeavors. With Lora's guidance, I feel more equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come. The structured tasks and outcomes have honed my abilities and provided me with the tools to create a business that resonates with my soul's purpose. Overall, this program has been a catalyst for my growth and success, setting me on a path towards fulfilling my entrepreneurial dreams. Sharing this course with someone who is on a similar journey would undoubtedly empower them to elevate their skills, gain clarity, and navigate their entrepreneurial path with confidence and purpose. It's a transformative experience that equips individuals with the necessary tools to excel in their entrepreneurial endeavors. There is truly nothing like it out there!!! Every step is taught to you effectively from your creativeness to developing to marketing - start to finish. It is such rich material.
  • It's the best investment they will make! It will save them money, time, and will teach them to become a true business owner with systems rather than just learning to create a job they hate.
  • I would make sure that they know that this course will change their life. in every avenue, i have never done a 90 day anything that has been so life changing in fact. so i would tell them to be prepared for massive growth and massive change in the most positive way - then buckle up your rocket is about to take off
  • It's a MUST to get started as a soulprenuer. You'll save years of making mistakes to learn how to do it properly.
  • I would tell them if they are looking to create a business this is the course for them!!! That they will have someone holding their hand, taking them step by step in how to create a program

If you enjoyed the course, would you be willing to submit a WRITTEN testimonial that could be used in marketing? Please provide your written testimonial below.

  • This program has truly been a game-changer for my SoulPreneur journey. It has elevated my skills and understanding, empowering me to move forward with confidence and clarity in my business endeavors. With Lora's guidance, I feel more equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come. The structured tasks and outcomes have honed my abilities and provided me with the tools to create a business that resonates with my soul's purpose. Overall, this program has been a catalyst for my growth and success, setting me on a path towards fulfilling my entrepreneurial dreams. Sharing this course with someone who is on a similar journey would undoubtedly empower them to elevate their skills, gain clarity, and navigate their entrepreneurial path with confidence and purpose. It's a transformative experience that equips individuals with the necessary tools to excel in their entrepreneurial endeavors. There is truly nothing like it out there!!! Every step is taught to you effectively from your creativeness to developing to marketing - start to finish. It is such rich material.
  • After investing thousands of dollars into other business programs, only finding that I'm still missing pieces on how to get build my program and market my unique business, I was blessed to come across Lora's program where I started my true journey as a business owner rather than my business owning me and being enslaved to it. With Lora's energy and the systems this program teaches, I was gently and consistently pushed out of my comfort zone where I made a deep dive into understanding what my business and program goals were. With Lora's guidance I learned to verbally formulate what I do, who I help, and how to help them. . I gained an immense amount of clarity in every step in her program, as well as a a better understanding of my fears and how to face them or challenge them, even those related to money, my product price, and presenting myself to the world. I have grown a great deal amount in this class, including in the way I communicate as a business owner to where others around me are pointing out to me the shift in how confident and balanced I sound. I am so grateful I was able to experience this course and adopt the systems into my business model and I have no doubt that my business strategies have sky rocketed to levels that many take years, maybe even decades to learn. Thank you, Lora for this beautiful program and for your magnificent energy and support. You are truly a guiding light in helping those fulfill their purpose in life!
  • Yes, I began this course with a vague concept of what I wanted to do for people. I didn't even have the confidence in my own abilities to think I could accomplish this goal. My program was nonexistent and very much in the nebulas realms. in the first class, Lora specifically states that if you follow her steps and do the work in the program you will complete it with a high ticket product. Not only did Lora deliver on this promise, but she supports you each moment you are on the path. I have never felt so supported and so encouraged as I have in this class. Upon completion of this program I have a clear 9 step road map for my clients which can be broken down further into 27 separate mini programs\courses that can be delivered in multiple formats. It is incredible how Lora pulls out of you what you don't even recognize as tangible into the 3d realm. then, she gives you the tools to create a solid structure. This class was life changing and the relationships forged with the other class participants has been priceless.
  • If you're struggling with kickstarting your career as a soulprenuer, then this course is a MUST. I was trying to be all things to all people so that I could figure out who I was meant to help, and until I took this course, I didn't know that my ideal customer right now is working moms. The course gave me the clarity I needed so that I could tap into my true genius and start being of service. This program is the perfect blend of being and doing, spirituality and practical tools to launch a comprehensive program that serves thousands while enabling you to step into the most abundant version of you! I tried so many other programs, and this one finally helped me go from confused to clear.
  • This course changed my life! Before this course I had no clue where to start. And I didn’t feel worthy of doing this…I mean who would listen to me?? What do I know?? But Lora changed all that!! She was able to see me…she saw me and my potential…this was the first time I’ve ever had that!!! And with her guidance-I was able to create and actual program….and one that I am proud of!!! And now…I KNOW I can do this!! I finally feel worthy of doing this!!! This course is designed to help you build a program and create a business…but it’s honestly so much more than that!!! It’s a life changing course and I am so blessed to have been a part of it!!

What advice would you give someone who just signed up for this course?

  • You will absolutely love it! Try not to miss a live class, they are super important. This program has truly been a game-changer for my SoulPreneur, life coach, healer journey. It has elevated my skills and understanding, empowering me to move forward with confidence and clarity in my business endeavors. With Lora's guidance, I feel more equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come. The structured tasks and outcomes have honed my abilities and provided me with the tools to create a business that resonates with my soul's purpose. Overall, this program has been a catalyst for my growth and success, setting me on a path towards fulfilling my entrepreneurial dreams. Sharing this course with someone who is on a similar journey would undoubtedly empower them to elevate their skills, gain clarity, and navigate their entrepreneurial path with confidence and purpose. It's a transformative experience that equips individuals with the necessary tools to excel in their entrepreneurial endeavors. There is truly nothing like it out there!!! Every step is taught to you effectively from your creativeness to developing to marketing - start to finish. It is such rich material.
  • Try to stay as flexible and open to just going with the flow of the course. If you don't finish all of the program or marketing pieces, you can always go back to it, but do yourself a favor and stay flexible to learn the process.
  • Get through it and put the work in. its going to be intensive, tears will be shed but they are healing and releasing and when you are done, your going to look back and see that you are now a different version of yourself. a better version armed with the tools needed to accomplish what you came here to do.
  • Plan your days so that you create time for both the course and the coursework, because there's a lot of coursework!
  • Go to the live classes!

Did you experience any big, personal changes in your life during the duration of this course? Either externally in your environment or internally?

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes. Internally, I felt a shift in clarity and in experience in how I want to live my life day to day as a business owner. I lived the majority of my life tense and filled with anxiety. When I became a business owner, I was jumping back and forth in constant doing or freeze states. Because of this course, I am now able to see that I can pull out order and balance from the chaos of business building and all the fears that come with it. I feel like my mental and physical state is healthier. Externally, I have been told by multiple people recently that I sound like I am more balanced and am managing my business in a more balanced way, rather than high in anxiety and stress. My partner says he feels that I've grown so much and that i sound more professional and am speaking with more confidence.
  • Yes , so many, due to my back ground , much magic was used, so everything about my environment has changed, everything about all aspects has changed. we will discuss further if you like in a post interview
  • OMG! Too many to name I moved homes. I went from deeply fearful about making payments on my new home, to complete peace and abundance. I launched a tea business with real paying customers and feel unstoppable. I secured two students to go through my program for working moms. I shifted energetically from fear, chaos to inner peace. I'm surrendering with greater ease and allowing the flow of life to emerge through me. "Everything is perfect NOW".
  • Omg yes!!! I finally feel worthy!!! And my money blocks are disappearing

Q: How much would you have paid for this education?

  • $30,000.00
  • $15,000.00
  • $15,000.00
  • $5,000.00
  • $5,000.00

Q: How should the LIVE version of this course be priced, in your opinion? Please add any other options or comments.

  • $15,000.00
  • $15,000.00
  • $15,000.00
  • $3,000.00
  • $3,000.00


How much should the PRE-RECORDED version of this course be priced in your opinion? Please add any other options or comments.

  • Live was very energetically alchemizing, so prerecording should be priced at no less than 5k
  • $2,999
  • I think depending on the length of the course (6 months for example, you could price it at 5K+ for live), and pre-recorded $999 (But I wouldn't do it pre-recorded).
  • $999
  • $999